Hot Topic: Are We Clothed in Darkness?

I've come to a certain conclusion: I believe that people who are attracted to dark aesthetics and dark movies, open up a door to being demonically oppressed, and likely already are being influenced and drawn in by demons.

Oppression and influence are different than possession. Take for instance someone who is gothic or emo, obsesses over movies like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Joker, etc...

I came across an account recently where the person had painted the Joker's face on their own for a photoshoot. The whole account was very dark. While some might claim it's artistic expression, it makes me realize that being drawn to this stuff is an invitation from darkness itself. It's an opening of doors in one's life to be oppressed by darkness. These things aren't just an aesthetic or a style, they reflect deeper spiritual warfare occurring for one's body and soul. If we are drawn to these things, we should be asking ourselves why we are attracted to something dark, enough to clothe ourselves in it consistently and to constantly entertain ourselves with dark entertainment. Perhaps the darker forces, the demonic, have already claimed territory in our homes and our soul when we are proud of basking in darkness. If we are drawn to this for whatever reason, we ought to resist the pull and the draw. Not all draws, pulls, and doors are good. If we are Christian, we have to walk in light. Latching ourselves to darker entertainment and to an aesthetic such as a gothic or emo one reflects an inner struggle occurring, but this is not a good thing. While perhaps one is attracted to this type of lifestyle likes it because they feel different, this is a sly way for the devil to convince us as being the same as everyone else: an oppressed slave of the world, and drowning in darkness.

Romans 13:12 "The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light."

These movies and entertainment also reflect deeper spiritual realities, such as hell.


Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear


Blessed Be God