Preparing for Spiritual War Against the Antichrist

The following was an original Instagram post from the one and only IG account @mrs.moreaux, my wife Carolanne:

Atheists/Agnostics: They will witness and believe the "good works" and the false miracles of the Anti-Christ when he arrives. So when he does, they will be deceived.

Buddhists/Hindus/New Age: They will look upon the false message of peace, unity, and harmony of the Anti-Christ and see him as an enlightened guru, who has come to show us his path when he arrives. And when he does, they will be deceived.

Pre-Trib/Mid-Trib, Rapture-believing Protestants: They believe they have to be raptured first before the Anti-Christ arrives, so when he comes they will say he can not be the Anti-Christ because we have not been raptured yet. When he does, they too will be deceived.

Zionist Protestants: They believe that they have to help rebuild the Temple, so when the Anti-Christ comes and reigns from the Temple, they will say he must be on the side of God. So when he arrives, they too will be deceived.

Muslims: When they witness the Anti-Christ persecute and attack Christianity, they will say, "Allah" has sent another prophet to destroy our enemy. So when he arrives, they will also be deceived.

Jews: They are still waiting for their Messiah's first coming. So when the Anti-Christ arrives, they will believe it to be him. And when he does, they will also be deceived.

Lukewarm Catholics/Modernists: They will hear him promote the cause and ideals of moral relativism, which will vindicate them in their complacency and in their error. So when the Anti-Christ arrives, they will be deceived.

Remanent/Consecrated Catholics: They will not be deceived by the false teachings and false miracles of the Anti-Christ, but they will be the recipient of persecution and of being ostracized, and the devil will amp up his attacks through their vices.

"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold." (Matthew 24:12). Christ told Saint Margaret Mary that what grieves His Heart the most is the ingratitude, coldness, indifference, and apathy of His of His beloved, the Church. The battle is for souls. Remain steadfast and diligent in your faith- Do not fall asleep and know that graces are available to be obtained through prayer, sacrifice, fasting, almsgiving, the Sacraments, and through both the corporal/spiritual works of mercy. We have much to do and all of eternity to rest.

It highlights the importance of devotion in these days to Blessed Mother Mary, St. Joseph, St.. Michael, and the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have yet to embark upon the best kept secrets of the Catholic faith, which are prayerful devotions, I encourage you to research and use these tools at your disposal. They will be of great help to you in these times.

God bless! ✝️ 🙏

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


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