Make a True New Year’s Resolution: Become a Saint

The following comes from the Saint Francis Exchange, the Newsletter of the Oratory Chapel of Saint Francis of Assisi, January 2022 edition dedicated to Christmas and the Epiphany.

Glory to God in the highest, all of heaven cried at the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords (2 Timothy 6:15), and we must not allow anything, anything, to impede our joy and gratitude to God for such a wondrous privilege and gift to mankind. God came to us as one of us, clothed in our humanity but always in perfect harmony with His Divinity, the Word made flesh that dwelt among us (S. John 1:14)! The necessity of the Incarnation, as explained by S. Athanasius (d. 373), tells us that He takes to Himself flesh capable of dying, so that this flesh, by partaking of the Word Who is superior to all, might be worthy to suffer death in place of all, and might, because of the Word dwelling in it, remain incorruptible, so that from then on corruption might be stayed from everyone, by the grace of the Resurrection (Oratio de Incarnatione Veri 9,1).

I encourage all to make a greater effort at meditating upon the mystery and the glory of the Incarnation of Our Blessed Lord, the Word made Flesh; such meditation will be highly profitable for the pious soul and vivify the spiritual progress of any mediocre soul. Make a true New Year’s Resolution: become a saint! The sanctification of one’s soul is the only sure way to remain joyful, enthusiastic, and filled with love, especially in such a troubled and weary world, as S. Ignatius of Loyola (d. 1556) teaches us: For those who love, nothing is too difficult, especially when it is done for the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This love of and for Christ the King must be actualized, as S. Ambrose (d. 397) of Milan, Saint and Doctor of the Church teaches us: It is not enough just to wish well, we must also do well (De Officiis Ministrorum, Libri I. 143).

Will we do well this year? Will we become saints in order to glorify God and witness His greatness to the world? Will we keep our Christmas Joy, that is, the hope of Our Saviour in our hearts, on our lips, and in our deeds this year? This month, most especially, let us hold these sacred days raised high and holy: the Nativity, the Circumcision, the Most Holy Name, the Epiphany, and the Most Holy Family: glorious feasts that call to mind when Heaven came to earth in order to allow us to go to Heaven! Do not let sentimental and secular merriment replace spiritual joy and grace in your hearts and souls: Jesus Christ, the God man, came to share His Heavenly glory with us, His creatures. Happy and Blessed Christmas - and a joyful and grace filled new year!

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


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