What was Mary thinking as the crowd shouted “Crucify Him!” The answer might surprise you…

When Pilate asked the crowd what to do with Jesus, they largely shouted, "Crucify Him."

Matthew 27: Pilate asked them, “Then what would you have me to do with Jesus who is called the Anointed One?” They all shouted back, “Crucify him!” “Why?” Pilate asked. “What has he done wrong?” But they kept shouting out, “Crucify him!”

What would the Blessed Virgin Mary have been thinking in this moment, as she heard the loud shouts and cries from the crowd to crucify her Son and her Lord?

She would have also said, "Crucify Him." But why?

Because her entire life was to do the Will of the Father. She only desired one thing: that the Will of God be accomplished. "Let it be done unto me according to Your Word." Her Fiat was and is always perfectly one with the Father.

Jesus had said, "I have come to do the Will of My Father... not My Will, but Thy Will be done... Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done." He also had said it was for this very hour that He had come into the world, to redeem fallen and sinful humanity.

When Jesus told the Apostles that He had to be crucified, Peter said he would never let it happen. Our Lord said to him, "Get behind Me, Satan." Peter was thinking as man does, even if good intentioned, but not as God does. Jesus came to fulfill all the prophecies of the Old Covenant, which pointed to the Suffering Servant that would offer His life as a sin offering to honor and glorify the Father in Heaven, appease His wrath against the sins of the world, redeem fallen humanity, make the road to salvation possible, and to usher in sanctifying grace on order to renew the heart of man.

So Mary would have agreed with the crowd, however, she would have embodied it with a holy sentiment and a sanctified disposition: "Crucify Him... Thy Will be done. The redemption is at hand."

May we always seek only the Will of the Father. Whatever God wants, whatever God desires, so be it. Fiat. Amen.


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