The Mighty St. Leo the Great, One of My Four Favorite Popes

Happy Feast Day of one of the greatest Popes in history, Pope St. Leo the Great. A common phrase in his day was "Peter has spoken through Leo" which was frequently said in the 5th century. He convened the great Council of Chalcedon where he defended the dogma of the two Natures of Christ, the Hypostatic Union, and he condemned the heresy of Monophysitism.

May he pray for Francis and for all the hierarchy. Benedict XVI said, "Leo's reign was undoubtedly one of the most important in the Church's history." He is also a Doctor of the Church, and helped expand the Church's understanding of Christology and Mariology.

He also helped end the war against Atilla the Hun through his prayers. And he is buried next to St. Peter. Outside of Peter, I personally regard him as being among the four most important Popes in history, alongside St. Gregory, St. Pius V, and St. Pius X.

Reflection.—Leo loved to ascribe all the fruits of his unsparing labors to the glorious chief of the apostles, Peter, who, he often declared, lives and governs in his successors.


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