What are We to Do in Times of Spiritual Disorder?

We live in times of spiritual disorder. Our Lady warned us hundreds of years in advance at Quito, even naming the time frame. She spoke of the 20th century, saying there would be a "total corruption" in society and the Church due to the reign of Satan through Freemasonry. She said many souls would be lost due to the neglect of those in "positions of authority" in the Church.

She returned at Fatima in 1917 to give a Secret, which spoke of the reality of many souls going to Hell, and apostasy from the very top within the Church. The Secret was to be made public in 1960, but John XXIII decided not to do so. Instead, he called for the Second Vatican Council. Paul VI decided not to reveal it either; instead, he authorized a New Order of the Mass. John Paul II tried to lie his way out of revealing it, and instead called for pagan religions of the world to join him in prayer for world peace. Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) assisted him in covering it up.

Since the Council, we now have a new Code of Canon Law to reflect the pastoral novelties of the Council. And we have a new Catechism to do the same thing. And of course, we have a New Order Mass.

As Archbishop Lefebvre wrote in They Have Uncrowned Him: "I do not say that everything is bad in this Council, that there are not some fine texts to meditate on. Contrarily, I assert, with the evidence in my hands, that there are some documents that are dangerous and even erroneous, which show liberal tendencies, and modernist tendencies, which afterwards inspired the reforms which are now bringing the Church down to the ground."

Lefebvre also stated, “I accept the Rome of all time with its doctrine and with its Faith. That is the Rome we are following, but the Modernist Rome which is changing religion? I refuse it and I reject it. And that is the Rome which was introduced into the Council and which is in the process of destroying the Church.”

When Catholics are critical of what they see happening to Holy Mother Church, they are often accused of being sedevacantists. This accusation comes from the ignorance of those who have no clue what the Traditionalist Resistance is all about.

Monsignor Thomas Sebastian (my spiritual director) notes, “The faithful are exhorted to stop looking for a human solution to this spiritual problem. The only answer will come by prayer, penance and sacrifice.”

We must be fortified in the Catholic Faith of Sacred Tradition, resist poisonous pastoral directives with piety, pray for the Hierarchy that is compromised with error, and strive to be a Saint. We do not need to solve the puzzle, but we absolutely need to be in a state of grace and faithful to Eternal Rome and Sacred Tradition. We live in the midst of a chastisement. We live in the midst of a growing apostasy, as Scripture and Our Lady predicted. Imitate Jesus and Mary, and keep your eyes fixed on Heaven.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


The Passion of the Church


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