The Passion of the Church

We are living in the Passion of the Church. She has been subverted by enemies. "Their shepherd is death" (Ps 39:14). We were warned about these times from Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, the Saints, and Marian apparitions.

The seeds of apostasy have been planted: "An enemy has done this" (Mt 13:28). Many souls have been led astray and grown lukewarm or gone apostate altogether. As the Apostles fell asleep while our Lord sweat blood in Gethsemane, so too, much of our shepherds have been compromised and are asleep as Holy Mother Church experiences her Gethsemane.

Poison has been injected under the banner of "pastoral ecumenical policies." The mission of conversion and the salvation of souls has corroded. The Roman Rite has been attacked. "Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered" (Mt 26:31).

We call upon all faithful Catholics of good will to glorify God and honor Holy Mother Church, Eternal Rome, by Resisting With Piety. As confusion spreads, and concessions are made towards evil, we must courageously resist the onslaught of Satan and his Modernist religion, while growing in holiness and praying vigilantly for the Pope and the Hierarchy.

Souls are at stake. Correct doctrine saves souls: "Take heed to thyself and to doctrine: be earnest in them. For in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee" (1 Tim 4:16).

The enemies have sought to eradicate the dogma No Salvation Outside the Church. They have called heretics & schismatics as members of the Church, as if such were possible, while banishing Catholics faithful to Tradition as lepers.

The Church will go through her Passion & her Crucifixion as the Apsotasy grows. But in the end, as we know with certitude Our Lord and Our Lady will emerge triumphant by crushing the head of the infernal dragon, so too, the Church will experience her glorious resurrection in the age to come.

Be courageous & vigilant in these dark days, these trying times. Now is not the time to sleep. The hour is at hand, and the Church is betrayed into the hands of traitors. Rise, let us be going; see, her betrayer is at hand.

St. Paul withstood St. Peter to his face publicly for not walking in line with the Gospel. This was a profound act of charity and filial love for St. Peter's high office. Peter had compromised on his own teaching from the Council of Jerusalem, and was wavering against the pressure of Judaizer heretics. This was a scandal for the Christians who looked up to Peter, and also it was putting Peter's soul at risk. Paul did the most loving thing he could do by rebuking Peter and calling him to repentance.

Popes, Saints, and holy theologians have given us the template for Holy Resistance:

Papal Bull of Paul IV, 16th century:

“The Roman Pontiff, who is the representative upon earth of God and our God and Lord Jesus Christ, may nonetheless be contradicted if he be found to have deviated from the Faith.”

Pius IX:

“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.”

St. Bellarmine:

“It is lawful to resist the pope that attacks the body. I say that it is lawful to resist him by not doing what he orders and preventing his will from being executed.”

Cardinal Cajetan, 16th century:

“It is imperative to resist a pope who is openly destroying the Church.”

Francisco Suarez, 16th century:

“If the pope gives an order contrary to right customs, he should not be obeyed; if he attempts to do something manifestly opposed to justice and the common good, it will be lawful to resist him; if he attacks by force, by force he can be repelled.”

Cardinal Prierias, 15th century:

“What should be done in cases where the pope destroys the Church by his evil actions? What should be done if the pope wishes unreasonably to abolish the laws of church or state?

He would certainly be in sin, and it would be unlawful to allow him to act in such a fashion, and likewise to obey him in matters which are evil; on the contrary, there is a duty to oppose him while administering a courteous rebuke.

Were he to wish to destroy the church or to commit an act of similar magnitude, there would be a duty to prevent him, and likewise an obligation to oppose him and resist him. The reason being that he does not possess power in order to destroy, and thus it follows that if he is so doing it is lawful to oppose him.

It is clear from the preceding that, if the pope by his commands, orders or by his actions is destroying the church, he may be resisted and the fulfilment of his commands prevented. The right of open resistance to prelates’ abuse of authority stems also from natural law.”

Be in a state of grace. The Church needs Saints to arise in this era.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


Pope Pius XI vs. Ecumenism


What are We to Do in Times of Spiritual Disorder?