The Real Reason We Must Entrust Ourselves to Mary

Once we are totally consecrated to Jesus in Mary, we discover that Mary has carefully prearranged every detail of our lives, always for the task we entrusted to her, which is to be conformed to Christ Crucified. Even moments of suffering or where we are misunderstood by others, she utilizes for our holiness, if we give her complete freedom to reign as the Queen of our hearts.

The Consecration spirituality is a way of life wherein we give ourselves entirely to Mary so that she can most quickly lead us to her Son. The only thing that hinders her work in this regard is our self will. This is why St. Louis de Montfort structured his preparation by first having us delve into the spirit of the world and a true knowledge of self.

We have to be able to recognize where our obstacles to holiness are most deep rooted, in order to give ourselves to Mary with complete transparency and honesty so she can begin to go to work within us. We often do not realize just how much we choose to be governed by the world, the flesh, and the devil with our sentiments, words, and actions.

Mary truly wants to make us Saints that exuberate rays of holiness and sanctity. So she arranges things in such a way in which we must practice the virtues that seem to be hardest for us to attain. She does this so we can learn to completely trust her in such situations, and so we can learn to imitate her, both exteriorly and interior. She wants to teach us what it means to have Jesus Christ as the King dwelling in our souls and reigning in our hearts.

She never sets us up for failure. Rather, she wants us to keep trusting her through every situation. The way of perfect consecration entails that we truly look like Mary in every aspect and in all settings. How would she think in this moment? What would she say? How would she proceed to act? This is why a life of consecration necessitates a life of deep interior prayer, most especially the Rosary. And it is also why we wear the Scapular, our exterior reminder that we belong to her, and she in turn belongs to us.

When we encounter difficult or challenging situations and trials, do we trust her in those very moments? Do we turn to her for help? Do we thank her for her unique role in our spiritual lives? Do we ask her to make us see and think as Our Lord sees and thinks? This is truly the purpose of our consecration. The means to the end is that we give ourselves entirely to her in abandonment, and the end of the means is that Jesus forms within us so we can embody Him in our own lives.

Mary does not want us to stay fixed in the past, or even to keep shifting our thoughts towards the future. She always does her work in the present moment, which is where she needs us to be. We are never alone, for she is always with us in this pilgrimage.

In order for us to be with Jesus in glory, we must first be united to Him in His Passion. And to get us to that point, we must imitate Him in every way. Beginning with his complete dependence upon Mary even as He was within her womb. Just as He entrusted Himself completely to her, so we imitate Him by entrusting ourselves as well.

Once we entrust ourselves to Mary, or more properly to Jesus in Mary, we then give her the authority to begin helping us conquer our chief enemies, which are our vices, and also to help us acquire the virtues most conducive to our sanctification. She will purify our memories so the past can be seen through her eyes, and we can then see all things from the perspective of Heaven. And so the future can be placed in her hands, which frees us to be invested in becoming Saints through the present moment that God gives to us.

May we spread this holy spirituality to the world, so that all things can be renewed in Jesus Christ. So we can hasten the Triumph of His Sacred Heart and of Mary’s Immaculate Heart in our lives and in the world. The way of perfect consecration begins the moment we entrust our entire selves to Jesus in Mary, so their Reign as King and Queen can shape our hearts, and then through us, the world can be renewed by the grace and peace of Heaven.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


Repentance Can Happen in a Heartbeat, but Conforming Can Take a Lifetime


Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus