Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to Our Lord's Sacred Heart is one of the most beautiful and spiritually intense devotions in Christianity… and yet so many Christians have never heard of it. Whenever people ask my wife and I about our spirituality, we point them to this devotion… the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Yes, we are consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and yet even then, that is simply the means to the end. The end is devotion and adoration to our Lord. What do we mean by devotion to His Sacred Heart? So much could be written on this. One book that changed my life was “Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” composed by the spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary, the saint most known for spreading this devotion. I recommend everyone reading this, to read that book. Truly one of a select few that I consider to be a game changer in the spiritual life.

To be devoted to Jesus’ Sacred Heart means, in short, to be one with His Heart. To love what He loves; to oppose what He opposes; to suffer with Him; to rejoice with Him; to look into His soul and ask of Him, “What most pleases You? What most brings You pain? What can I do to show my love for You?” Jesus showed His love for us, and continues to show it, by offering His entire life for us, dying for our sins, and rising so that we might have eternal life with Him. Not one second of His life was spent for His own sake; it was all spent for you, and for me.

Every beat of His heart, it was for us. He has never done anything to warrant our hatred or rejection. He is utterly perfect and flawless and loving and forgiving, even though we continue to mess up and sin against Him. And this is where the devotion takes its root. In realizing how much love Jesus has for us, and yet how so little we love Him. How much He desires to be with us, and yet how ungrateful and cold we are in return.

It is facing the reality none of us want to deal with, that we want to run from– that Jesus continues to burn with love for us, and yet we continue to live our lives apart from Him, oftentimes even apathetic and indifferent. It is making the intention, once realizing this fact, to tell Jesus, “May I continue to grow in my love for you day after day.” It is doing all we can for His Will in order to make reparation for the ingratitude and coldness with which the majority of the world shows Him. For the contempt shown to such a pure and loving Heart, burning with love for sinners who continue to enjoy their sin and reject Him. It is being truly sorry for our sins, and making the decision to do as much as we can for Our Lord. Not for any reward or gift in return, but simply to show our love for Him.

I remember first encountering this devotion, and the first thing that hit me was this… how so often, I find little time for prayer, little time to do works of mercy. How so many hours Jesus remains lonely in churches with no one to visit Him. How He patiently waits for us to turn to Him. To unite our hearts to His, so that He may show us the depths of His love and give us His eyes to see our faith, our life, and the world around us through His perspective.

That we may live only for Him… that you and I may surrender to Him, our Lord and God… that we may allow Him to reign as King of our hearts… that devotion to His Sacred Heart may continue to increase in our hearts and in the world… that Mary may show us the surest and quickest path to the Heart of her Son…

This ought to be our passion and purpose, day in and day out. To love Jesus, to make Him known so more can love Him, and to be grateful for the love He shows us with each moment He grants us. Every heartbeat and every breath is a gift of His love. He went to the Cross with our redemption in mind, and He waits us for us at every Mass and in every Tabernacle in the Holy Eucharist. What will you and I do to go above and beyond, in a humble spirit of reparation, to show our love to Him? How will we give Him the adoration that is lacking in the rest of the world, most especially from the lukewarm? May we be generous in our feeble attempts, aided by grace. The smallest act of charity we can offer brings Him so much consolation.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Jesus, we place all our trust in You.


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