What ought we hope for if there was a future Holy Pope?

Many hold out the pious hope for a future Holy Pontiff who will correct the ills of the present age of apostasy. Hypothetically speaking, this would have to be a Pontiff truly in line with the traditional Catholic Faith through and through, not just a merely “conservative” prelate who holds certain conservative ideals but also is in full swing with Vatican II and the New Order Mass. In this hypothetical scenario, I offer my personal thoughts on what we ought to expect such a Holy Pope to say in the first days of his pontificate.

First, the Holy Father would begin by addressing the Liturgy and the Priesthood.

"First things first, we hereby immediately declare that we will begin the process for removing the New Order Mass from the Catholic Church. This will require all priests who have only ever known the New Order Mass, which was constructed by a Freemason who was assisted by heretical protestant helpers, to be trained immediately in ecclesiastical and liturgical Latin.

To do this, we hereby call upon all the holy orders of the world that have remained faithful to the Mass of Tradition to help us urgently. The SSPX, the FSSP, the ICKRP, all independent clergy, we call upon your help. We will address sedevacantist clergy shortly.

Our brothers in these Holy Orders, please begin preparatory plans to find suitable clergy who can begin training New Order priests in Latin and the traditional Sacramental Forms. We will begin discussions with you all on how to best begin this charitable and necessary implementation.

As well, for all who have privately questioned the change of rites developed by our Paul VI, we hereby invoke supplied jurisdiction up to this point so that no Catholic of the last 50-60 years need worry about any scruple. However, beginning today, we will now plan to phase those compromised revisions out of Holy Mother Church and reinstitute the traditional Sacramental Rites and Forms as expressed by holy predecessors such as St. Pius V and St. Pius X, among others.

Regarding sedevacantist clergy, we understand that the confusion brought on since Vatican II has left you all seeking guidance from a true shepherd you can trust. We greet you in humility and seek to have you assist us in these hereby mentioned tasks, and that you find trust in pledging your obedience to our Pontificate as we aim to stamp out any trace of Modernism or Freemasonic ideals from Holy Mother Church. We will also address your further concerns about the recent past shortly.

Regarding all current clergy of the Catholic Church, including all Bishops, each of you will be required to recite the Oath Against Modernism in your parishes publicly. Any refusal to do this will result in a personal investigation by us and you will be summoned to Rome for questioning to see if you are suspect of heresy.

It also needs to be stated that, beginning effective today, Communion in the hand is ruled ipso facto as sacrilege and must cease immediately worldwide.”

Next, he would focus on Vatican II and its effects:

"It is obvious to all Catholics of good will that the Church has been in a state of confusion since Vatican II. Just as the Jews wandered through the desert after fashioning the golden calf, so too, the Church has found herself in a desert ever since the idolization of the pastoral and compromised documents of Vatican II.

We thus hereby declare that an immediate investigation will begin upon the acts, participants, and documents of this pastoral Council. We seek to determine if the entire Council ought to be discarded, or if redactions need to be made towards any sentences which teach heresy or lead to heretical notions or are simply offensive to pious ears.

Effective immediately, we redact Dignitatis Humanae, and authoritatively declare it to be a document filled with heresy from top to bottom. Any Catholic institutes and seminaries across the world which teach Catholic theology are to immediately cease any reference to Dignitatis Humanae, and are to instruct their students and seminarians that it contains explicit heresy. This same charge applies effective immediately to Nostra Aetatae. As well, all current commissions pertaining to the cause of indifferentism known as Ecumenism are effective immediately ceased and revoked, null and void.

Regarding the effects of the Council, such as the 1983 Code of Canon Law, we will put together a commission immediately to carefully examine any possible heresy or laws emanating from heresy to be redacted, and we will seek to ensure that the Code is updated and will match the fervor of the 1917 Code of Canon Law but for our present times.

The Catechism of John Paul II will likewise be investigated, to see which portions need to be revised or entirely redacted. We will also seek an updated Catechism that matches the fervor of the Roman Catechism of Trent, suitable for our present times."

Third, he would then address the issue of the Vatican II Pontiffs, as well as orders suppressed by them unjustly.

"We then come to the important question of our predecessors of recent memory, beginning with John XXIII through Francis. An investigation will be called as well to see if any of these qualify as heretics of the Faith, as happened in our past with Pontiffs such as Honorius.

Consequently, we legally remove the title of Saint from John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II. Any and all parishes named after these individuals will work with their local diocese on renaming the parish accordingly.

Added to this, we will bring back the role of Devil's Advocate for all future canonization processes.

With regard to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of holy memory, we hereby announce today that his cause for canonization is open, and he is to be venerated with the title Servant of God as his cause commences. The same holds true for men such as Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, and others whom we will look into.

And finally, we conclude by reiterating the motto of our One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, the motto of our Christian Religion: Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. Outside the Church, there is no salvation."


The End


Fr. Gruner: “We are in the time of the Apostasy”