At the Crossroads: The Crisis in the Modern Church Series

With so much confusion reigning in the Church today from faithful Catholics who are trying to make sense of the course being directed and steered by Modern Rome, I am cataloging all my articles written thus far into into one post for easy reference which pertain to the topic of the present day crisis, how we got here, how we should respond, and how to prepare for where things are heading.

Indeed, it can seem like a hopeless situation at times, but we can rest assured that Our Lord promised us the gates of Hell would never prevail, and that Our Lady told us, in the end, her Immaculate Heart would triumph.

We are living in interesting times, both in the world and in the Church. But our mission from Heaven is clear: use the time wisely to grow in sanctification and holiness. This is not a time to bury our heads in the sand and close our eyes to pretend everything is fine. Nor is it a time to wave the surrender flag and act like all hope is lost.

This is the time to be the Church Militant, truly, in every possible way. Strive for holiness, pray like a warrior, keep your heart centered on Heaven our homeland, keep your eyes fixed on Christ Crucified, keep your lips on the recitation of the Rosary. The Saints in Glory are with us. Our King and Our Queen have given their orders, to uphold their honor and to defend our Holy Mother Church.

Let us not waiver in despair or apathy or lukewarmness. Let us not compromise with the spirit of the world. Let us be the Saints of the present era, with truth transforming our minds, hope guiding our souls, charity directing our actions, faith giving us the foundation upon which to stand.

Here now are a compiled list of articles I have written thus far which pertain to the present day crisis from different angles.

There is No Salvation Outside the Church

The Real Third Secret of Fatima

The Tenets of Modernism

Francis vs. the Tridentine Mass

…But Inwardly They Are Ravening Words

Blueprints for the One World Religion

The Cause of Our Lady's Sadness

St. Montfort and the Apostles of Latter Times

An Enemy Has Done This

Climate of Chaos

The Death Knell for Sedevacantism

The Importance of Praying for Francis

The End of the Beginning

Times of Great Tribulation Will Unfold

Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear

The Synod of Sin

Treason Against the Truth

Apostasy Proves the Truth of Catholicism

The Hijacking of Vatican II

R.I.P. Benevacantism

Unmovable God, Unmovable Truth, Unmovable Church

The Litugical Revolution vs. The Roman Rite

On the Status of Archbishop Lefebvre

Communion in the Hand?

What Are We to Do in Times of Spiritual Disorder?

The Passion of the Church

Pope Pius XI vs. Ecumenism

Synagogue of Satan vs the Catholic Church

Lefebvre's Declaration of Faith

Dignitatis Humanae vs the Catholic Church

The Forgotten Messages of Fatima

Vatican II's Liturgical Revolution

While sifting through these, I also encourage you to check out the other pages on our website because all of this goes hand in hand.

Best Kept Secrets is devoted to spirituality and devotional living as a Catholic, designed to enhance your sanctification and aid you in becoming a great Saint.

Concrete Dogma is geared towards equipping you with the timeless, eternal, and infallible truths of the Christian Religion, so that you can discern truth from error.

11th Hour pertains to the issues at hand presently in the Church, with the infiltration and infestation of Modernism, Freemasonry, and Communism into the pastoral direction of the hierarchy and the ideals and values of the laity.

Marian Apparitions is dedicated to Heaven's response and guidance as given by Our Queen, throughout the centuries, for the Church to be reminded on her supreme call to save souls and proclaim the Gospel of Our Lord to the entire world.

We also have podcasts, articles, and much more on this website to further aid you in all of this.

As well, here are a series of articles posted on my blog to further aid you in navigating through this temporary squall, with the light of Our Lord and the indwelling of the Holy Ghost to show us the way to the heart of the Father. In the end, all that matters in this life is that we become great Saints of holiness. Nothing else ultimately matters. We must be Saints, carry our crosses, imitate Jesus, and honor Our Lady. This is truly the only sure path to the restoration of Holy Mother Church.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


The Celestial Homeland of the Supreme Fiat: The Divine Will Series


Gaze Upon Christ in Majesty: Lenten Meditation on the Transfiguration