The Light of the Body is the Eye

Matthew 6:21-23: For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also. The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be lightsome. But if thy eye be evil thy whole body shall be darksome. If then the light that is in thee, be darkness: the darkness itself how great shall it be!

If you love your children, don't let them have social media. Social media is not for children or teenagers. I grew up in the MySpace generation, and now children are growing up in the TikTok era. With a simple scroll, your child is being exposed and flooded with all kinds of content that will influence them for the rest of their lives. That's all that it takes. One pornographic video which will destroy their souls, destroy their future relationships, destroy their self esteem, and leave them with a gnawing addiction which will be your fault. Just one video of an influencer telling them they aren't made perfect the way they were born, or that they were born in the wrong body, which will destroy their identity, and destroy the rest of their life. Many teenagers are now coming out and being silenced that transitioning has destroyed their lives.

I am seeing so many young people online with pronouns in their bios, following trans influencer accounts, and we wonder why so many young children are so confused or why the world seems upside down. As a parent, it is your job to protect your children and protect the light in their eyes from going dark. You are responsible for your child's soul, and for the content they consume. The eyes are the windows to the soul has multiple meanings, including that what you watch and look at will either make or destroy your soul. The content you read, the stuff you look at online. You are setting your children up to lead miserable lives in a state of mortal sin, and you are setting your own soul up to be damned for allowing your children's lives and souls to be destroyed.

In addition, think of your daughters. With all of the plastic surgery and lip injections all of these influencers online have, your vulnerable teenage daughter going through puberty doesn't need to sit online comparing her own beauty to a fake standard which will leave her hating herself. Think of your children's mental health


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