…But Inwardly They are Ravening Wolves

Joe Biden utilized an 85 car caravan en route to the Vatican to discuss climate change and Covid 19 issues with Francis of Rome. Ironically, the reason for so many cars was due to Italy’s Covid 19 rules which limit four passengers to a vehicle. It is ironic considering that the vehicle rule only further causes damage to the environment. It is also worth noting that neither wore face masks in their photo ops, which makes one wonder how concerned they truly are with the Covid 19 issue as they say. According to their logic, at least.

Let us remember that John Kerry revealed in December of 2020 that the “Covid pandemic” was the short term justification, and the “climate crisis” was the long term justification, for Biden’s support of the Great Reset as proposed by the World Economic Forum. In October 2020, Francis gave his stamp of approval to the Great Reset as well. The Reset has been dubbed “Marxism for the 21st century,” aka the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it aligns with the United Nations’ proposal known as Agenda 2030. Anyone following Catholic prophecy sees all the dominos being set up for the arrival of the Antichrist.

The news went crazy with Biden’s “shocking” proclamation following the Vatican festivities: “He was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving communion.” Even less shocking was Biden’s admission that the topic of legalized baby murder, known as abortion, did not come up once during their meeting. For anyone who did not know, the infanticide holocaust receives the full approval and enthusiastic support of “Catholic President” Joe Biden and his administration. Of course, he says that he is personally against it, but then comes the great modernist follow up: “But who am I to force my beliefs on others?”

All of this occurred just days before the Solemn Feast Day of Christ the King, which Pius IX wrote to remind the world that Jesus Christ has full authority over all nations, and that countries and people have a moral obligation to recognize His reign, even in the laws of the land. Freemasonry and Communism has worked phenomenally as a team in the past couple centuries to really eradicate this truth from the modern world. Still, we know that none of this catches our Almighty God off guard, and He is the one true God that is Lord of Heaven and Earth. We have known for some time that these days were approaching. He has sent His very own Queen, our Blessed Mother Mary, numerous times to prepare the Church and warn the world of these events. He has also sent St. Michael the Archangel at times, and he has spoken through Mystics and Saints as well. None of this catches God off guard, nor should it catch us off guard either.

This is just par for the course with Francis and his administration which currently occupies the Vatican. Let us for a moment remove the whole ado regarding Biden’s position in the White House. Remember that he is merely a man, approaching another man whom he considers to be his spiritual authority. Francis is well aware that he pushes for policies which allow mothers the option to decapitate their babies in the womb. Biden asks Francis what his thoughts are on him as a Catholic. Francis responds, “I am happy that you are a good Catholic! You should keep receiving Communion!”

At this point, we honestly have to ask why Francis rejects the spiritual works of mercy, such as admonishing the sinner and instructing the ignorant. We have to ask why Francis seems to not care for the soul of Joe Biden in this regard, since we know what Sacred Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 11:29: “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself.” We have to ask if Francis does not consider Biden’s position to in fact be a mortal sin, considering the testimony of the Church’s teaching concerning the Social Reign of Christ the King. How does Francis define “good Catholic”? Does he believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist?

It seems even more apparent that Francis is preparing his flock to be well groomed for the coming of the Antichrist. St. Francis of Assisi prophesied that in the end days, during the tribulation, a man would be “raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death.” 15th century mystic St. Nicholas of Fluh predicted, “The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters.”

Pope Leo XIII, at the dawn of the 20th century, after his vision of the Devil requesting time from Jesus to attack the Church, wrote, “These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb… in the Holy Place itself, here has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety… when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.”

We recall the words of Our Lord Himself in the Sermon on the Mount: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them.” It would take up paragraphs more to go through every Marian apparition that spoke of these times, from Quito Ecuador, La Salette France, Fatima Portugal, Beauraing & Banneux Belgium, Garanbandal Spain, Zeitun Egypt, Akita Japan, Bethania Venezuela, Kibeho Rwanda, and Naju South Korea, just to name a few. In all things, remember, Our Lady and Our Lord told us times of tribulation would come, both for the world and the Church. But they also have told us that these times would be followed by a great era of peace, a restoration, a triumph of the Two Hearts, a kingdom in which the Divine Will reigns supreme!

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


Roots: How Old is Your Church?


The Two Pillars of Anti-Catholic Protestant Rhetoric: Modernism and Freemasonry