The Bankrupt Philosophy of Atheism vs. The Common Sense of Truth

This will be part article and part mini-exchange with an interlocutor from Instagram.

First, I want to highlight a specific area of consideration, often overlooked because of its simplicity, that provides irrefutable proof for God’s existence. We could expound upon St. Thomas Aquinas’ Five Proofs, the scientific impossibility of life arising from non life, the recent scientific discoveries concerning galaxy mapping showing Earth’s unique position in the cosmos, the Problem of Evil, Pascal’s Wager, the philosophical inconsistencies of Atheism, psychological advances in near death experiences, the Empty Tomb of Jesus, the rise of Christianity, fulfilled prophecy, or the phenomenon of supernatural miracles and incorruptible saints.

However, I want to focus on one particular point for consideration. It requires the use of common sense, which we ought to define since it seems to be lacking in today’s so-called “enlightened” world. Common sense is defined as, “good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.” Psalm 14:1 says, “Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’

The point I want to highlight here deals with the visible creation. St. Paul writes, “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse” (Romans 1:19-20).

Imagine an airplane flying over an uncharted island. The copilot looks out the window and notices in the sand the letters SOS. He also sees what appears to be a hut with smoke emanating from it. Immediately, he exclaims, “We better land and see who is down there. Someone clearly needs our help.” This copilot is exercising his common sense, and represents the theist.

Meanwhile, the pilot says, “You fool! How do you know someone is down there who needs our help? For all we know, the ocean waters gushed against the sand in such a way so as to form what appears to be the letters SOS; and perhaps, over time, the winds blew in such a fashion so as to knock trees over, and eventually they fell into a formation that resembles a hut.” This is the nonsensical skeptic known as the atheist.

The copilot retorts, “But what about the smoke?” The pilot smugly assures him, “Who knows? Some things are just a mystery. But this is obviously not enough evidence that there is someone down there who needs our help.”

This is essentially, in nuts and bolts, the difference between Theism and Atheism. One observes the visible creation, from the galaxy to the planets to the world around us, and logically concludes (utilizing common sense) that this necessitates a Creator. The other concludes it is all just blind faith and random chance.

We observe complex machines and equipment such as computers, smart phones, televisions, drones, rocket ships, submarines, satellites, sound amplifiers, etc. No one ever stops to wonder if these machines somehow all formed mysteriously by random chance over an unspecified amount of time.

We even observe seemingly more simple products (which are also complex to fashion and form), such as pencils, scissors, toy trucks, keys, paper towels, etc. Even these apparently “simple” items require people to create them.

Nobody glances at a Thomas Kincade painting and ponders whether it somehow all came together by accident. Nor does anyone do this with regards to aluminum soda cans or plastic water bottles. This is because, utilizing common sense, we know that creations require a creator. However, if we use the Atheist illogic, such creations, whether complex or simple, can be explained by mysterious blind faith and sheer luck.

The creation is proof of the Creator. Either, “In the beginning, God created,” or, “In the beginning, Nothing created.” Denying this basic observed reality is to be released of any semblance of common sense.

Robert Jastrow, an agnostic astronomer, writes, “For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about the conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

Louis Pasteur said, “The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the creator.”

The intention here is merely to show how common sense proves Atheism to be false, and that God does truly exist, using creation as the proof. So you are without excuse. Unless you want to pretend that the Mona Lisa or the Pieta possibly happened by accident. We encourage you to utilize your God given common sense on this one.

Now, on Instagram, an atheist tried taking me to task in a brief exchange. Here it is in full. His comments will be prefaced by ML, and mine by JOE. It was not lengthy by any means, but the point that needed to be made was definitely made, and he backed out of the conversation early and proceeded to block me rather than continue. Without further ado.

ML: It's funny because religion is what stagnates and inhibits civilization.

JOE: I know that's what they want us to believe. Godless Freemasonic elitists don't want religion in the way of their goals.

ML: and i can't wait for religion to finally go extinct.

JOE: sorry to disappoint. It has been around since the dawn of man and will be here until Jesus returns. Even the religion of Atheism exists now. No matter which way you turn, can't extinguish religion. Man will always have the need to understand his purpose, and God will always have the desire to reveal it.

ML: there's definitely the apparent human need for meaning and perceived order, which makes it easy to turn to fairy tales like religion for comfort, but as science keeps removing the veils from the unknowns, more and more people will realize they don't need the platitudes of scripture to get through life. Incidentally, i wouldn't call atheism a religion, bit ironic if it were one.

JOE: whether apparent or not, it exists and will never disappear. It also explains why people turn to the fairy tales of Atheism, where magical things pop out of nowhere like life from non life, intelligence from non intelligence, order from chaos, something from nothing. Where DNA just happens by sheer luck independent somehow of RNA. Where somehow supernatural events occur that science can not explain, like the incorruptible body of St. Bernadette or the miracle of Fatima in 1917 witnessed by tens of thousands. Science has limits, it can only with that which is already tangible and exists. It can not explain why it exists or how the tangible came to be. Science helps us better understand God's creation, but it can't explain why there is a creation to begin with. Science works perfectly with faith. The philosophy of Atheism turns it into an absurd field where laws of order and logic and math have no purpose for existing in reality. Madelyn Murray O Hare, one of the leading Atheists of the 20th century, explicitly stated it was a religion with its own philosophy of Naturalism and rationalism. Time continues to prove how it is the most mentally bankrupt religion of them all. You can believe it if you want, but we stick with reality and common sense. And we have giants on our side: Boyle, Newton, Humboldt, Maxwell, Mendel, Pasteur, Kelvin, Einstein, Planck, Eddington, Lemaitre, Lavoisier. You have Krauss and Dawkins, my apologies.

ML: Im going to quote this in my dissertation about delusion and how people can convince themselves of falsehoods. Thanks!

JOE: Nice! Yes, I would definitely include O Hare, Krauss, and Dawkins in the category of delusion.

ML: no, I'm talking about you. But genuinely, i am going to cite you in a paper because this is exactly the kind of input I've been looking for on how and why people can bend information to agree with their beliefs. It's actually really cool, you can give people hard evidence of something, and if it conflicts with something they want to believe in, they'll actually shut down and resist like a defiant child rather than adapt to new info.

JOE: the only delusion cited thus far seems to come from O Hare who said Atheism was a religion, and you said it was not a religion.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


The Mind Toward Heaven


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