2024 Olympic Opening Ceremonies: Demonic Mockery Targeting Catholicism

Let’s break down what transpired at the opening ceremonies in Paris for the 2024 Olympics, where we saw drag queens reenact the Last Supper, a Golden Calf appear on a stage, Baphomet depictions, graphic displays of lewd sexual behavior, and a degradation of Church and Crown by glamorizing the French Revolution.

First things first, let us note that these were labeled as the Thirty Third Olympic games. The number 33 ought to alert us immediately, because it of course has special meaning to the Freemasons who occupy seats of authority as they govern events in this fallen world, following their god Lucifer. Freemasonry began numbering its degrees in France of all places (not coincidental).

The number 33 is their highest ranking and degree. A 33rd degree Mason is a Master Mason who has exhibited knowledge, passion and sacrifice to his craft, and is awarded by the Supreme Council. Luciferian Freemasons are obsessed with numbers that mock Christianity, and 33 is the most integral since Our Lord’s public ministry lasted 33 years, and thus also marks the year of the founding of the Catholic Church and of Our Lord’s Passion.

It goes without saying that the 33rd Olympic games, in Paris, France, would not occur without somehow trying to further dethrone Our Lord’s Social Reign, and undermine the authority of His Holy Catholic Religion. Satan is not interested in Protestantism or Eastern Orthodoxy. His target is always the Catholic Church, because she is the Bride of Christ and the possessor of the Sacraments which can lead souls to Heaven. Outside of her, there is no salvation. So Satan and his minions concentrate their efforts on her alone.

I have seen several people trying to excuse the overt blasphemy and sacrilege of the event by saying, “Well, it was just depicting ancient Greek rituals, that’s all. It’s just showing the ancient Roman Bacchanalia events which were in honor of the god Dionysus. That’s it. Christians are making too big a deal out of this.” This is a half truth, and it is clearly missing the bigger picture. Let’s discuss the bigger picture.

The Bacchanalia were Roman festivals of Bacchus, the Greco-Roman god of wine, freedom, intoxication, and ecstasy. It is well known that these events very often glorified drunkenness and sexual depravity. These were secret gatherings, and extreme orgies were a natural part of the entertainment.

Dionysus most certainly was being referenced in the event, the Greek god of fertility and wine, and those who went to these secret events were often thought to become possessed by him. He of course is also referred to as the god of orgies and ecstasy, not to mention that his festivals sought to normalize lesbianism. So yes, all this depravity is what was being promoted at the Olympics, no doubt at all.

Many people are trying to identify the pale horse rider at the Olympics as Greek goddess Sequana, but I will maintain it looks eerily similar to what the Apostle St. John foresaw in his visions recorded in the Apocalypse 6:8, “And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him.” This is not far reaching since "all the gods of the Gentiles are devils" according to Psalm 95:5.

To say it was not a mockery of da Vinci's Last Supper is just willfully choosing to ignore the obvious. Clearly, the Bacchanalia was intended to depict the posturing of the Last Supper painting, intentionally, as a mockery. In other words, modern society prefers the depraved drunken orgies of false gods to the sacrificial offering of the Last Supper. Just compare the image of the Bacchanalia at the Olympics to da Vinci’s rendition of the Last Supper. You will see it for yourself, unless you want to remain ignorant to the plain visible truth. Even non-Christians were on social media noting the obvious connection between the two.

Let us not forget that one of the people in that scene at the Olympics was a young girl dressed in yellow, in the midst of drag queens. My heart breaks for this innocent soul. As Our Lord said in St. Luke 17:1-2, “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”

In the spirit of sexual depravity, a threesome was depicted as well. How many kids watched the Olympics and had to see a threesome being paraded on the screen? Why does the fallen world take such pleasure in scandalizing young innocent souls this way? It is not by accident that this type of imagery is publicly flaunted at events of this magnitude, since the world wants to normalize the visual of drag queens reading books to children at schools or parents taking their kids to events where drag queens are dancing.

The Opening Ceremonies went on to glorify the French Revolution, which abolished Catholic Monarchy in France, even depicting the beheaded Marie Antionette, wife of King Louis XVI. This entire thing clearly was a way to further ancient depraved pagan rituals over against the Catholic Religion. Again, this was intentionally directed at Catholicism, not against the Protestant sects or Non Denominationalism or the Eastern Orthodox sects. It was directed against the Catholic Church.

The French Revolution was a period of political, societal, and religious change in France that began in 1789. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of “liberal democracy” and “free republics.” It led to state control over the Catholic Church in France, a Declaration of Rights of Man, and the complete abolishment of Catholic Monarchy, wherein His Royal Majesty King Louis XVI and his wife, Her Royal Majesty Queen Marie Antionette, were beheaded in 1793. His final words were pardoning “those who are the cause of my death.” It should be noted that historians have recognized that the Freemasonic Illuminati were the “hidden hand” behind the French Revolution.

Between 1793-1794, the Reign of Terror took place, where there were a series of massacres and public executions in response to reactionary fervor. The episodes against Catholic clergy became some of the most violent of any in modern European history. The new revolutionary authorities suppressed the Church, nationalized Church property, exiled 30,000 priests and killed hundreds more. The Christian calendar was replaced with one reckoned from the date of the Revolution, and Festivals of Liberty, Reason, and the Supreme Being were scheduled. New forms of religion emerged, including the deistic Cult of the Supreme Being and the atheistic Cult of Reason. The new calendar was structured around 10 weekdays instead of 7, in a concerted effort to abolish the Lord’s Day observance on Sunday.

The French Revolution was an anti Catholic revolution in every conceivable way. To put it into perspective with the current crisis in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Suenens famously said: "Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church."

Cardinal Henry Manning, in the 19th century, prophesied that during the great apostasy which precedes the Antichrist, Rome would fall from the faith and return back to its ancient paganism. This entire event was quite truly predictive programming on a deeper, darker, demonic level.

How does Rome, and its current sad situation, connect to the 33rd Olympic Games of Paris, France? Well, on the morning of the Opening Ceremonies, Francis of Rome stated, “I hope that this event may be a beacon of the inclusive world we want to build.” So if we connect the glorification of the moral depravity of ancient Roman culture directly to the French Revolution which was about the overthrow of Christendom in lieu of the Rights of Man (which is what the Opening Ceremonies did), then what do we get?

We get ancient Rome’s emphasis on gratuitous indulgent pleasure and vice being more important than Christian values and morals. One focuses on the “needs and wants” of fallen man (“Do what thou wilt,” the Satanic mantra), while the other focuses on Thy Will Be Done, the glory of God, the rights of God and His Church. It makes perfect sense why they staged this in France because that was the epicenter for abolishing Catholic Monarchy and trying to eradicate the Catholic Religion from culture.

The importance of Catholic Monarchy is that it highlights the Rights of God, and enforces laws that are in harmony with the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who by right is the true King of Nations and the World. Man of course has free will, and can choose to ignore such laws, but there would be consequences. It is similar today: we have laws saying rape and murder are crimes punishable by law, which no one of good will reasonably opposes. So why then are there not laws sanctioning abortion, artificial contraception, and LGBTQ activities as crimes? Because liberal democracies (championed by Freemasons and the French Revolution) abide by the opinions of men.

We are reminded of the famous quote of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII: “The world has heard enough of the so-called rights of man. Let it hear something of the rights of God.”

The organizer of the Opening Ceremonies was Thomas Jolly, a Jewish man who was behind all the Masonic, Satanic, and LGBTQ imagery. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition present the Jews as enemies of the Gospel and accursed for their rejection of the Messiah. This is why the Church is the new Israel of God. St. Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16, “The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they have become adversaries to all men, to fill up their sin always… for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end.” Catholic prophecy emphasizes the role of the Jews in the end times in their pursuit of overthrowing Christianity, and paving the way for the Antichrist.

Notice the emphasis given by St. Paul. "The Jews... do not please God... have become adversaries to all men... fill up their sin always." This illustrates the urgent importance for individual Jewish believers to repent and embrace Our Lord for who He is, and to enter His Church for salvation. "For the wrath of God has come upon them to the end," St. Paul continues. They can not be saved in the system of the Old Covenant, and they can not wait around for another "Messiah" because it will be the Antichrist, and they will fall for it hook, line, and sinker. They can not claim to worship the one true God, because they are not children of Abraham, as Our Lord said. The God of Abraham is worshipped in the Catholic Church alone, today.

We also saw a “golden bull” emerge on a performance stage, which more aptly ought to be referred to as a Golden Calf, reminiscent of the days of Moses. The people got impatient as Moses ascended the mountain to speak with God and receive the Ten Commandments. And they grumbled among themselves, asking, “Where is this God of Moses? He has abandoned us.” So they built their own god of golden, a Golden Calf, and offered worship to this false god made of human hands. And God saw this and punished the people for their grievous sins.

Dr. Taylor Marshall noted, “The Roman Christian Emperor banned the Olympic Games in AD 393 because it was gay and pagan. Naked men running around and wrestling in honor of the 12 gods that lived in Mount Olympus!!! The atheistic French Revolution restored the ‘Olympic Games’ in 1796.”

Depravity and Satanism is no longer infiltrating society; it reigns and dominates in society. The Church is submerged within the throes of apostasy, emanating from the very top down. The road continues to be paved for the public emergence of the Antichrist. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus. Come for your Bride!

For more information on the Church being the new Israel of God, click here: The True Israel of God.

For more information on the necessity of being Catholic for salvation, click here: There Is No Salvation Outside the Church.

For more information on Catholic prophecy being fulfilled today, click here: Catholic Biblical Prophecy Happening Now.

For more information on the Apostasy, click here: The Apostasy and the One World Religion.


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