Is the Catholic Church Compromised by Babylonian Sun Worship?

By Joe Moreaux

Question from a follower of Return of the King: Genuine question, at what point in history did the Catholic Church become subverted? Because it seems that they have long been promulgating a re-branded form of Luciferian sun worship, using all the same Baal Hadad symbolism found literally everywhere else among all the iterations of the false Babylonian/ancient Jewish kabbalistic mystery school teachings that have been around since the existence of the ancient Babylonian, Sumerian, and Ubaid cultures.

Our response: She started to become subverted towards the latter part of the 19th century, well into the 20th. It is documented without any shadow of doubt. Freemasonic documents plotting it have been uncovered. Congressional testimony has revealed the Communist element. Multiple Popes, up to Pius XII, warned about the Modernist angle that was brewing. And this is right in line with Our Lord's teaching and St. Paul's: namely, that an apostasy would come towards the latter days, prior to the Antichrist. Not centuries prior; not in the early Church. But rather towards the end. Some want to argue that a subversion occurred in the era of Constantine, but this would contradict Our Lord who taught the gates of Hell couldn't prevail, which the Church always applied to doctrine and to the perpetuity of the Petrine office in the Bishop of Rome. It also contradicts St. Paul who taught the Church is visible in every generation, and is the pillar of truth. The only time an apostasy is spoken of, is in reference to the latter days, prior to the arrival of the Antichrist. "A rebranded form of luciferian pagan sun worship" is a misinterpretation, whether good intentioned or not, of the Liturgical practices adopted by the Church, tracing back even to the days of the martyrs in the primitive era. One could not say the Church adopted a rebranded form of pagan worship without also saying Our Lord was wrong when He promised that the Spirit would lead His Church into all truth and that He would remain with her until the end of time. It is interesting to note that even in the post Constantine era, both Saints and Heretics alike never accused the Church of adopting pagan sun worship practices. Those accusations started to come in towards the late 19th century referencing the Constantine era, interestingly enough at the same time Modernism was starting to spread. The Church of the first millennium always saw the liturgical practices as organic developments of what came prior, ultimately tracing back to the Judaism of the Old Covenant, with the distinct difference being that the New Covenant practices fulfilled the ones of the Old. Again, even the Heretics of history never made such an allegation. We do see pagan practices being adopted in the modern day, such as Pachamama, but again, that coincides with the teaching of Our Lord and St. Paul (and also St. Peter) regarding the end times. Suffice to say, I would encourage you to pray, because when the Antichrist comes, he will deceive the multitudes, even the non Christian truthers. And our only safe haven will be to cling to Our Lord and Our Lady, and to the Church of Sacred Tradition.

Follower response: Interesting, thank you for taking the time, and yes, Constantine era, under the Roman empire as the empire itself had it's own false spiritualism similar to what other pagan cultures held to. Now would it not be possible that the true church would still be visible in every generation (as a pillar of truth) despite a possible but perhaps alleged earlier subversion? Similar to how there are still some, albeit few and far between, faithful priests who are still preserving the true church & teaching amidst a sea of those who have gone astray? For example, in my region there are so many who went along with the satanic Covid mandates, others who openly accept and push the LBGTQ agenda but there are still a few priests who hold true to scripture. Could this not have been a long standing pattern throughout history? Or would you dismiss this idea simply for lack of which case, fair enough.

Our response: It is true that Constantine inherited a pagan kingdom and partook of it himself as well, but it is also true that Constantine did himself experience a conversion, ended the persecutions against Christians, and then elevated it to the Religion of the State. The key is that we can examine the doctrines, disciplines, and liturgies of the Church in the post Constantine era as well as the pre Constantine era. And we discover a continual organic evolution take place, with seeds sprouting with ever greater clarity. We do not see any massive shift to pagan sun god worship, nor do any of the Saints comment as such. Regarding the question of a few priests keeping true while the bulk of the majority fell victim to a subversion, this would not fit the definition of being "visible in every generation." Nor would it bode well for St. Paul's teaching on the pillar of truth, since this applies first and foremost to the successors of St. Peter, and it was on him (and his office) that Our Lord said the gates of hell would never prevail. Arius was a 4th century heretic, and under him, a third of the Bishops fell into heresy. Even then, great Saints like Athanasius and great Popes like Leo persevered, and Councils were called to condemn the multitude of heresies cropping up in that era. There was a new heresy almost every week, and the Church confronted them all. And yet, even the heretics didn't accuse the Church of pagan god worship, and even the heretics knew they had to adhere to the decisions of the Bishops of Rome, which is why they went to great lengths to get them on their side, like with Sergius (Monophysite hereric) and Pope Honorius. Regarding the comparison time the Satanic Covid agenda (where we are in complete agreement), it is not a pattern throughout history, but rather a pattern that Scripture and many Saints warned us would happen in the latter days, as we see happening now, even from Rome. The pattern of history is Jesus saying the seed grows into a massive tree, and so the Church grew beautifully. Christendom reigned for centuries. But now as we inch closer to the end, and ever closer to the Antichrist, we see the attacks of Hell amping up tremendously.

Matthew 13:31-32

31 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. 32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”

Press here for more on the origins of the Catholic Church

“See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is [administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not lawful without the bishopeither to baptize or to celebrate a love-feast; but whatsoever he shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.” - St. Ignatius of Antioch, Disciple of John the Apostle, 110 AD


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