The Only Way to Obtain True World Peace

The following is an excerpt taken from the masterful Papal Encyclical “Quanta Cura,” Condemning Current Errors, from the year 1864, of Pope Pius IX. This demonstrates how a Holy Pontiff ought to appeal to the Universal Church for prayer to God in order to obtain true and genuine world peace.

For peace in the world, the Pope appeals to Catholics to combat sin through the Sacrament of Confession, make use of holy indulgences, and to invoke the Sweet Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose for invoking His Heart is precisely so that He can draw all mankind to Himself so that they can walk worthily, please God, and bear fruit through good works, thus furthering the cause of peace.

Here is the relevant text:

“But if always, venerable brethren, now most of all amidst such great calamities both of the Church and of civil society, amidst so great a conspiracy against Catholic interests and this Apostolic See, and so great a mass of errors, it is altogether necessary to approach with confidence the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace in timely aid.

Wherefore, we have thought it well to excite the piety of all the faithful in order that, together with us and you, they may unceasingly pray and beseech the most merciful Father of light and pity with most fervent and humble prayers, and in the fullness of faith flee always to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed us to God in his blood, and earnestly and constantly supplicate His most sweet Heart, the victim of most burning love toward us, that He would draw all things to Himself by the bonds of His love, and that all men inflamed by His most holy love may walk worthily according to His heart, pleasing God in all things, bearing fruit in every good work.

But since without doubt men’s prayers are more pleasing to God if they reach Him from minds free from all stain, therefore we have determined to open to Christ’s faithful, with Apostolic liberality, the Church’s heavenly treasures committed to our charge, in order that the said faithful, being more earnestly enkindled to true piety, and cleansed through the sacrament of Penance from the defilement of their sins, may with greater confidence pour forth their prayers to God, and obtain His mercy and grace.”

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


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