Exorcism Proves the Truth of Catholicism: Our Lord and the Devil both Confirm Protestants are Mistaken

Have you ever pondered the real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? Have doubts ever crept into your mind? If so, how did you confront these uncertainties? A historical event, occurring just forty-eight years after the Protestant Revolution, offers an undeniable response.

In 1556, an extraordinary exorcism, witnessed by thousands, unfolded, showcasing public exorcisms of that era. Demons tormenting a young girl in France dismissed Protestant exorcists, who failed to drive them away. Yet, when a Catholic exorcist intervened with the Eucharist, the demons fled in terror!

This article delves into the first historically documented exorcism, revealing how Jesus demonstrated His true Presence in the consecrated Host before thousands. It contrasts the failure of Calvinists to perform the exorcism with the success of Jesus, present in the Eucharist, who expelled the demons with overwhelming power.

From November 8, 1565, to February 8, 1566, in Laon, France, the first formal demonic possession recognized by doctors, the media, and the Church occurred.  This is not to say there weren’t thousands more before then, starting with the Apostles.

Over 150,000 witnesses, including Protestants and Catholics, observed the possession of Nicole Aubrey, a sixteen-year-old who had experienced demonic possession since she was six. Eyewitnesses reported seeing her levitate and reveal hidden sins of those present, a spectacle that marked her possession by 29 evil spirits, including the first known case of Beelzebub possession.

This confrontation between Catholics and Protestants highlighted a pivotal moment in the Protestant Reformation. God reportedly utilized His archenemy, the devil, to affirm the Real Presence and perhaps cite Martin Luther’s rejection of the Mass and the real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Initially unsuccessful in driving out the spirits with the Holy Cross’s relics, Father de Motta, inspired by the Holy Spirit, resorted to the Blessed Sacrament, achieving immediate success. Nicole’s recovery and subsequent spiritual experiences showcased the power of truly Divine intervention.

While Nicole lay in a state of lethargy, Fr. Motta placed the Blessed Sacrament on her lips. And instantly the infernal spell was broken, Nicole was restored to consciousness, and she received Holy Communion as a sign of devotion. Then her face became bright and beautiful like the face of an angel, and all who saw her were filled with joy and wonder.

But with God’s permission, the demons returned on several occasions, to fulfill the mission of giving a message from God. When the strange circumstances of Nicole’s possession became known everywhere, several Calvinist preachers arrived with their followers, to “expose the papist trick,” as they said. The devil mockingly greeted them, called them by name, and told them that they had come in obedience to him.

One of the preachers took his Protestant prayer book and began to read it solemnly. The devil laughed at him, saying, “My good friend intends to expel me with his prayers. Don’t you know they’re mine? I helped compose them.” “I will expel you in the name of God,” said the pastor. “You can’t drive me out. Have you heard of one devil driving out another?” answered the demon.

At that time several Protestants left because they had seen and heard more than they wanted, while others, however, remained. And their terror was great when they saw how the devil writhed and howled in pain, as soon as the Blessed Sacrament was brought close to Nicole.

In the following days, the devil was forced to confess that he had not been expelled, and that there were the twenty-nine demons, among which were three powerful ones: Cerberus, Ashtaroth, and Beelzebub.

Then on January 3, 1566, the bishop arrived at Vervins and began the exorcism himself inside the church in the presence of an immense crowd. “I command you in the name and by the power of the real Presence of Our Lord, in the Blessed Sacrament, to leave immediately,” he said in a solemn voice. It seemed that, at last, the demons were expelled for the second time through the Blessed Sacrament.

But when they left, Nicole’s left arm and right foot were paralyzed and her left arm was longer than her right. And there was no power on earth to cure this strange ailment, until some weeks later, when the demons were irrevocably cast out. Nicole was then taken to the famous pilgrimage to Our Lady of Liesse, especially because the devil seemed to fear the place very much.

And there, Father de Motta began the exorcism in the church, in the presence of that immense crowd. Suddenly, Nicole’s limbs began to crack, as if every bone in her body were breaking. A stinking vapor came out of her mouth, and 26 demons came out of her, never to return. But there were some who, in essence, said, “We are not going to leave unless we are ordered by the bishop of León.”

The next day this bishop arrived and asked, “How many are you in this body?” “There are three of us,” an evil spirit responded.

“What are your names?” “Beelzebub, Cerberus, and Ashtaroth.”

Then he brought the Blessed Sacrament close to Nicole’s face. And the demon writhed and howled in pain. “Yes, I’ll go, I’ll go!” he screamed. Nicole suddenly became as stiff as marble. The bishop then touched her lips to the Blessed Sacrament, and in an instant she was completely restored to consciousness. She received holy Communion, and her face shone with a wonderful, supernatural beauty. But, although the Protestants also touched Nicole’s face several times with a Host that was not consecrated, Satan was not tormented. Which only ridiculed their efforts.

The next day the bishop again exposed the Blessed Sacrament near Nicole’s face. And a wild and unearthly scream sounded and dense black smoke came out of her mouth. The demon Astarot was expelled forever and then the same thing happened with Cerberus.

Beelzebub remained and the bishop asked, “Tell me, why have you taken possession of this honest and virtuous Catholic woman?” “I have done it with the permission of God,” he said, “because of the sins of the people. To show my Calvinists that there are demons that can take possession of man when God allows it. And to convert them, or harden them in their sins.” This response filled everyone with horror.

“Come out now, give glory to God, go to the flames of hell!” the good bishop shouted.

“Yes, I’m leaving, I know very well that I have to leave. I am doomed. I am forced to leave her.”

And the possessed woman was lifted twice more into the air, and fell heavily on the platform.

And when the bishop, just before the Lord’s Prayer, took the consecrated Host once more in his hand, and raised it with the chalice, the possessed woman was once again lifted into the air. Beelzebub gave a horrendous scream and was gone.

And a German Protestant named Voske fell on his knees, began to cry, and was converted, saying, “I now firmly believe that it is really the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, which casts out the devil.”


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