The Connection Between the Consecration of Russia and St. Montfort's Consecration to Mary

The Feast of the Annunciation commemorates God taking flesh and subjecting Himself entirely to complete dependency on Our Lady as she carried Him within her womb. St. Louis de Montfort called it the most important Feast Day for Catholics who have likewise imitated Our Lord in being consecrated to Him in Mary, entrusting everything completely to her, as He did when He was within her.

Consequently, this is the Solemnity that Pope Francis has chosen to honor Our Lady of Fatima's request to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, with all the Bishops of the world in union with him. He will be the first Pope since 1929 to do this as Our Lady specifically requested when she came to Sr. Lucia and said the time had now come for the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

It is providential that Francis has chosen this great Solemnity to be the day that he honors the request of Our Lady. Now, more than ever, in these days ahead, we must amp up our prayers, fasting, and mortifications for the graces to be there for Francis to follow through on this as he has said, with all the Bishops in union with him. This is unprecedented and truly history in the making. It will be the first time since 1929 that all Our Lady's demands are met specifically. It will be the Holy Father, with all the Bishops of the world united to Him, consecrating Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Two things have been promised by Our Queen once this happens. First, an era of peace will be granted to the world. Second, Russia will be converted. Now, our timelines are not identical to the timeline of Heaven. It is difficult to know exactly how and when we will see this come about, but we know with certainty that it will indeed happen.

Our Lady had promised at Fatima that, in the end, her Immaculate Heart would triumph. So we may indeed be on the verge of living through this age of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Again, we do not know exactly how fast this will transpire or how it will take shape. However, on God'stimeline, it will take shape and it will happen.

If you are consecrated to Jesus in Mary, you already are among the glorious remnant of Catholics who have freely pledged to give all their prayers, works, joys, and sufferings completely to her hands, for her to deem the best way to make use of them. We now are at the precipice of seeing her Triumph begin to take form in history. As her consecrated slaves, nothing can bring more joy than seeing our Queen honored in this way.

We have seen Russia's errors spread throughout the world. We have seen the ideals of Communism and Freemasonry run rampant, along with the tenets of Naturalism and the philosophy of Atheism. We have seen persecutions of the Church and the world as a result. We have seen the Holy Fathers suffer spiritually through revelations of scandal among the clergy, the lukewarmness and coldness of the laity, and the influx of Modernism into the very edifice of our Holy Mother Church.

Our Lady said that Russia would eventually be consecrated but it would be too late, because by then all these catastrophes would have continued to spread. And yet, still, she said the era of peace would come, the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart would happen. And we would see Russia undergo a conversion, which would then serve as a witness for the rest of the world, including the godless and secular United States.

May we remain steadfast in prayer, and continue to do our part in honoring our own consecrations as well as responding to Our Lady of Fatima's message for us. Pray the Rosary every day, fast and do penance, the First Five Saturdays devotion for reparation, wear the Brown Scapular, and imitate her sentiments and her virtues. May this Consecration from Francis and the Bishops be pleasing to Heaven, and may our lives also be pleasing to Our Lord and Our Lady.

St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us.

St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


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St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, Glory of the Church