The Importance of Praying for Francis of Rome

We live in a time of confusion and apostasy, wherein Modernism has seeped within the crevices of Rome. Many hold to an idea that when the Pope says “Jump,” we are supposed to say, “How high?” But this is not proper within our Faith, especially during a time of crisis. Let us hear the words of Pope Innocent III: “It is necessary to obey a Pope in all things as long as he does not go against the universal customs of the Church, but should he go against the universal customs of the Church, he need not be followed.” Indeed, blindly accepting whatever comes our way from Rome these days is highly uncharitable towards Holy Mother Church, since we ought to be praying and fasting for repentance, not encouraging the spread of Modernism.

2020 was a dividing line for many people, both with regards to the world as well as the current state of the Church. It certainly was for me. Seeing the parish churches close their doors to the faithful right smack dab in the middle of Lent, and keeping them closed throughout the Easter season, certainly alarmed many Catholics and was a wake up call to begin seriously rethinking where the Church is headed.

I had to do much discernment and prayer during this time. Especially once the parishes reopened but were mandating that we wear masks while sitting six feet apart during Mass. As discussions among global leaders transpired, we saw Francis himself encouraging the push towards globalism, a “new world order.” Of course, eventually the jab was introduced into the mainstream, and governments began the push towards mandates. It was only a matter of time before Francis, and many Bishops, began equating the jab with “Love thy neighbor.”

It is also notable to mention that Francis’ infamous Pachamama worship service took place in October 2019, and shortly thereafter, the entire world was greeted by a new virus that pretty much changed daily life as we all know it. We were introduced to a “New Normal,” and meanwhile the World Economic Forum gleefully started hyping “The Great Reset.” The response from Rome only further supported these ideas.

Adding to all this, in 2021, Francis sent a handwritten letter to “Father” James Martin, calling him a faithful son of the Church and encouraging him in his ministry. Martin has been a vocal proponent of “gay marriage” and “women priests.” Not longer after, Francis accused Latin Mass goers of being divisive and disobedient children of the Church. These two events formed a paradigm shift for me. I had been a Francis apologist since 2013, but now I was seeing through a different filter.

Here’s the thing. Read any of Francis’ encyclicals, or listen to any of his speeches to the United Nations, for example. And then read a book like “The Popes Against Modern Errors” by TAN Publishing, which compiles encyclicals from the pre conciliar Popes regarding modernism, indifferentism, Freemasonry, and a whole host of other evils and heresies. And then suddenly, a new perspective begins to emerge regarding Francis. Trust me when I say we have to pray earnestly for his conversion, because he is leading his flock right into the open arms of the Antichrist.

In 1846, Our Lady of La Salette told the two children, “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist. The Church will be in eclipse.” But it is important to note that Francis did not come out of a vacuum. So one would have to delve deeper into a much larger picture to discern what led to the present state of things. A hodgepodge of Masons, Marxists, and Modernists concocted a plan decades ago, and it is very well documented for anyone willing to research.

For now, the most important thing for us as Catholics is to pray for the conversion and repentance of anyone compromised with heresy, pray for the restoration of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, pray for the salvation of souls. And most importantly, strive for virtue in our daily lives, combat our vices, and pray the Rosary daily. We need to grow in holiness. Because we are called to be Saints in this present day.

The Church is, and has been, enduring a crisis. A passion. And when I began seeing Francis through a different lens, initially it felt like betrayal from a father. But I am grateful to Our Lord and Our Lady for opening my eyes in 2020 to the truth concerning the present state of things. We must not wallow in confusion or apathy or any trace of bitterness. Keep your eyes focused on the Cross, and take refuge in Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Pray for Francis’ conversion, because he will give an accounting one day to God, as all of us will on our final day.

On the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary last October, Francis met with the heads of false religions and secular governments in Rome to discuss more areas of concern on purely temporal matters, with no mention at all of eternal matters. This is a theme of so many today: a hyper focus on issues solely focused on worldly concerns, and literally zero focus on the reality of Heaven and Hell. And yet one of those two is here one day and gone the next, like a passing wind; while the other lasts forever and ever and ever.

For a long time, Catholics were labeled as “prophets of doom and gloom” when they warned about the messages from Our Lady at Fatima and Akita; or spoke about the necessity of being in a state of grace, avoiding mortal sin, keeping the Commandments, and belonging to the one Church established by Jesus Christ. In other words, eternal issues. But now, we live in a time where we are inundated by messages of doom and gloom, only now it is regarding temporal concerns such as viruses or climate change.

We live in an age of indifferentism when it comes to matters of faith, morals, and truth. Spearheading this direction is Francis himself. For example, if his concern was peace on earth, he could listen to the recommendations of our Lady, which would be wise considering she is the legit Queen of Peace, not to mention the Queen of Heaven and Earth. But instead, he busies himself with secular leaders and non Christian religions to try to sort out a game plan for peace.

Just as so many haven’t learned from the lessons of past history in regards to the secular sphere, so too, Modernists haven’t learned a thing from the entire history of God’s dealings with the world and His people. “Pride goeth before destruction… It is better to be humbled with the meek.” Proverbs 16:18-19. We need to pray for the conversion of the Modernists that currently reside in Rome, and for any leaders in the hierarchy that are compromised with Modernism.

Francis said, “Together we dream of peoples as brothers and sisters and a future earth.” Of course, from the perspective of Heaven, the only way such a dream is actualized is through Baptism, by which we are born again and made new creations in Christ, and heirs to the Kingdom. This would require repentance from sin on the part of all those who were present for this speech, but not a peep on this from the Vicar of Indifference. And this reference to a “future earth” sounds odd considering the individuals occupying the Vatican today no longer teach the Social and Universal Reign of Christ as King of Heaven and Earth. We know that there will be a “New Earth” eventually, but it will come about as the result of God purging the world in a way similar but distinct from the days of Noah.

He went on to say, “The suffering of others scarcely troubles us,” and sadly, I am sure the underground Christians of China were wondering if Francis applied this to them, as well. He then spoke of Abu Dhabi, the ground zero for construction on the “Abrahamic Family House” that he is overseeing, otherwise known as the headquarters for the One World Religion, or “Chrislam,” as it has been dubbed. Another example of how Francis is basically preparing to hand his flock over right into the open arms of the Antichrist.

Of course, he made it a point to address the Grand Imam of Islam as his “dear brother.” These seeds of indifferentism were scattered upon the Second Vatican Council in its document Nostra Atatae, the Declaration on the Church’s relationship with non Christian religions. Those seeds have steadily grown in the past five and a half decades. Pope Pius XI spoke about indifferentism in his encyclical Mortalium Animos, calling it a heresy that presupposed “all religions are more or less good and praiseworthy.” Not mincing any words, he called it blasphemy, and warned it was destructive of the true Faith. Again, all the more reason for Catholics today to take up their daily Rosaries and pray for the conversion of these individuals who currently occupy the Vatican. Not only are their souls at stake, but think of how many they are leading astray by their words and example.

You will note in Francis’ speech that he addresses his audience with “Dear brothers and sisters, as believers it is our responsibility…” Keep in mind, this speech is addressed to a group that also includes false religions and secular government leaders. So who are the “brothers and sisters” he is referring to? Who are these “believers” he has in mind? Again, we see Indifferentism at work.

More from Francis: “If peoples are to remain brothers and sisters, prayers must rise unceasingly to heaven, and one single word constantly echo on earth. That word is peace.” He then references the Assist interfaith meeting of 1986 which was led by John Paul II, in which a Buddha statue was placed on top of a Tabernacle. As Catholics, we know that these types of actions do not bring any true peace, but rather judgment and chastisement. If it is peace we seek, then we ought to heed the words of Our Lady in her numerous apparitions, as well as St. Paul who wrote under divine inspiration in Romans 5:1, “Being justified therefore by faith, let us have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” If we want peace, then we need to repent and come to the King of Peace, and His Name is Jesus Christ. As St. Theresa of Avila wrote, “He does not give himself entirely until he sees that we yield ourselves entirely to him.”

When Francis says things like, “We are making that journey, each with his or her own religious identity, to cultivate peace in the name of God and to acknowledge that we are brothers and sisters,” you can see how he is only leading his hearers further away from the only true means available to attaining the peace of God. There is no cultivating peace via different “religious identities,” nor will it be found by deceiving ourselves through calling one another brothers and sisters. If we care for peace in the world and the salvation of souls, we will earnestly call others to the Catholic Religion, which was established by Jesus precisely so we could experience true genuine peace, be members of the household of God, and to find the narrow road which leads to Heaven.

The icing on the cake here is Francis calls for “more vaccines distributed fairly.” And so it goes with Modernist Rome, pushing its flock more and more to take the Needle, which was devised by worldly powers with the goal of depopulation in mind, and which is an integral precursor to the mark of the beast from an eschatological framework. These are the times we live in. But we knew these times were coming. The Consecrated Remnant must stick together, united in prayer, as we keep our eyes focused on what still remains to come.

A couple of months ago, the Facebook group Catholic News Agency posted a message from Francis regarding his Synod on Synodality, in which Francis is encouraging the sheep to tell the shepherds which direction they ought to go doctrinally and pastorally. Let us also not forget that he has encouraged the participation of non-practicing Catholics as well, and even non-Christians. Yep, this is all part of Francis’ brilliant vision for his Church.

In response to this, I posted a simple message: “Pray for the conversion of Francis.”

Someone took me to task for posting this, responding with, “You need to be more specific, don’t be one of those vague faux righteous guys who thinks Francis isn’t Catholic.”

Francis loves to say things in such a way that it leaves you wondering what he actually means. However, this is a Modernist approach through and through. Intentionally talking out of both sides of their mouth so that it gives the possible appearance of being orthodox, however it is also fodder for heretics so they can run with it. One of the issues today is that many do not distinguish Modernism as a heresy anymore, even though it was the most prevalent heresy that Popes warned us about in the century leading up to Vatican II.

Let us also remember the stated goal of the Freemasons, extracted from their work titled the Alta Vendita, which championed the dream of having a Pontiff in power who followed Freemasonic ideals, even if he was unaware that he was doing such a thing. Interestingly enough, after Vatican II, we heard less and less talk about the Modernists and the Freemasons, even though their schemes and devices were the subject of entire Papal Encyclicals prior to the Council.

Archbishop Vigano recently called Francis a “non-Catholic Pope.” This is an interesting concept. Here is the latest coming from Archbishop Vigano in regards to Francis:

“The fourth revolution theorized by Klaus Schwab and the family of international finance find in Bergoglio, not a neutral spectator, which would itself already be an unheard of thing, but actually a zealous cooperator who abuses his own moral authority in order to support, outside the Church, the project of the dissolution of traditional society while, within the Church, he pursues the project of the demolition of the Church in order to replace her with a philanthropic organization of Masonic inspiration.

And it is scandalous. This applies to both, to the civil and ecclesiastical world. Confirming the criminal conspiracy between the deep state and the deep church. It seems to me that in this conspiracy the role of the Jesuit has been decisive. It is no coincidence that for the first time in history, a religious of the Society of Jesus is seated on the throne of Peter.”

Schwab is the architect behind the Great Reset and the head of the World Economic Forum. He has been speaking of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for some time now, and eyes were definitely opened during the craziness of 2020. The Reset has been aptly described as “Marxism for the 21st century.”

Of course, it is no coincidence that our Lady said at Fatima in 1917 that if her requests were not heeded, then Russia would spread her errors throughout the world. 1917 happens to be the year that Marxist Socialists and Freemasons conspired together to murder the Orthodox Tsar Nicholas II along with the entire Royal Family, ushering in their infamous revolution.

Our Lady also revealed at Fatima a message regarding apostasy within the Church, according to those who have read the full content of the Third Secret. Cardinal Ciappi said, “In the Third Secret, it is foretold among other things that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.” Cardinal Oddi remarked, “The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy in the Church.”

Pope Pius XII himself even said, “I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a Divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul. I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the true Faith of the Church, reject Her ornaments and make Her feel remorse for Her historical past.”

Vigano notes that Francis is a “zealous cooperator” in seeking to bring about Schwab’s vision and demolish the Church. May we continue to pray for his repentance and conversion, and also for the restoration of Holy Mother Church. We are living in prophetic days, in which we are seeing the messages of Fatima becoming actualized right before our very eyes. And yet, as our Queen promised, we know that ultimately in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph. And if we can endure through trials and tribulation, we shall most certainly share in the glory of her Triumph to come!

Also, not long ago, we saw the infamous meeting between Francis and Nancy Pelosi (a self professed “Catholic” who supports the modern day infanticide of abortion). Photos and video all captured the much talked-about handshake between the two, strongly indicating again that both Francis and Pelosi are possibly Freemasons. They both sure got the Masonic handshake nailed down perfectly.

So going back to my Facebook interlocutor who questioned if I was a “vague faux religious guy,” he asked me to be more clear and direct in why I was asking for prayers for the conversion of Francis. Simply put, because, “this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3-4. God desires all of us to be saved, including Modernists and Freemasons, and even “non-Catholic Popes,” using Vigano’s phrase.

St. Paul also writes,” But God commendeth his charity towards us; because when as yet we were sinners, according to the time, Christ died for us; much more therefore, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from wrath through him.” Romans 5:8-9. Jesus offered His life for all of us, even though none of us were worthy of such a thing. Even while we were His enemies, He went to the Cross for us. And Our Lord specifically commands us: “But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you.” Matthew 5:44. So, we must pray for everyone who is on the path to perdition, with the hope that they will repent and convert to the Christian Religion. We do not wish Hell for anybody, including enemies of the Church. We only wish for Heaven. But God will not turn a blind eye to unrepentant sin. So therefore, we must pray for repentance and conversion.

Part of the challenge today is that Modernism has crept within the edifices of many hearts, and so it can be difficult to pinpoint if we hold to beliefs or concepts that are not authentically Catholic, but rather the product of the sinister poison of Modernism. So when I expose Francis as holding to Modernist ideas, some Catholics, such as my Facebook interlocutor, do not see how he is compromised with Modernism; nor do they realize that the ideas they are arguing for are Modernist ideas, not Catholic ones. This became apparent as our dialogue continued on.

His comments will be preceded by CT, and mine will be preceded by JM.

JM: We need to pray for his conversion for the sake of his salvation. He is compromised with Modernism.

CT: I freely admit Francis can say some off the wall stuff that can be vague and sometimes even misleading, but he always corrects himself, and I find most of the criticism to be unwarranted, uncharitable, and unChristian.

JM: It is more than just vague or misleading. He is compromised with Modernism. I don’t think he would ever personally reiterate the Oath Against Modernism. We need to pray for him.

CT: What exactly has he done that’s so wrong, do you even look at the statements that come from the Vatican after these misunderstandings?

JM: On the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, he addressed an interreligious audience and addressed them as “brothers and sisters” with different “religious identities” calling on them to pray for peace. This is the essence of Modernism, or the fruit of it. He even invoked the Imam as his “dear brother,” and spoke about the work being done in Abu Dhabi where construction is ongoing for a multireligious center that allows for worship by Catholics, Muslims, and Jews. He also referenced JPII’s 1986 Assisi meeting where a Buddha was placed on top of the Tabernacle. Not long ago, he also sent heretic James Martin a handwritten letter calling him a faithful son of the Church and encouraging him to continue the work of God. This is the fruit of Modernism, indifferentism. We need to pray for him.

CT: Where does Jesus, or God, ever say we shouldn’t address other people, regardless of religious identity, as not a brother? And do they not have a different religious identity? That’s EXACTLY what they have, a different religious identity, it DOESNT mean they’re right, but they do identify do differently than us, and I see no reason why that matters in as far as what we believe, it’s like you want us to be condescending to everyone with different beliefs, and I see NO evidence of that Jesus preaching that, in fact it’s the exact opposite.

JM: The term “brother” has a meaning in a religious context. Same reason why even VCII opted for the phrase “separated brethren” when referring to Protestants. We become brothers through our Baptism, as we are adopted into the household of faith. So using that terminology for different “religious identities” only furthers indifferentism. There is no concern in this speech for the salvation of these souls. When he talks about peace, he doesn’t mention our Lady at all even though it is her feast day. And yet she is the one who came to Fatima to speak about peace, and who said God wished to save souls that were going to Hell through devotion to her Heart. If her requests were heeded, then there would be peace. It has nothing to do with being condescending, but about taking our faith seriously enough to listen to Mary by revealing the truth that God has come in the Person of His Son to bring us true peace and to save our souls. Of course Jesus wouldn’t preach being condescending. He preached that unless His hearers believed that He was the I Am, they would die in their sins (John 8:24). He even went on to say, “You are of your father the devil,” John 8:44, when they alleged that they were children of Abraham. That’s not condescending, it is loving them enough to plead with them. Modernism preaches indifferentism and lessens spiritual concerns by only emphasizing temporal concerns without any reference to their connection with eternity. This is why we ought to pray for Francis. Did not Francis recently give the Eucharist knowingly to a Jewish woman? And when she told him afterwards that she was not a Christian, he laughed and said “Jesus was a Jew.” I think if we truly care about Francis we will pray earnestly for him.

At this point in the conversation, another interlocutor commented as well. I will precede her comments with LB.

LB: And what’s so wrong with this? Aren’t we all brothers and sisters regardless of religion, race, color etc.? Is my husband less than me because I’m Catholic and he is Protestant? Am I your sister and if so isn’t he your brother? My grandparents were mixed faith and I’m believing that my grandma (Protestant) is in heaven with my grandpa (Catholic).

JM: Those terms can be used loosely, like me calling a friend a “brother.” But in a religious context, those terms have specific meanings. We are made brethren through our Baptism. We are adopted as children of God. So to say “regardless of religion” can be deceiving, because it assumes we belong to same spiritual family. Instead, we ought to be encouraging others to join our family, because Christ alone is the way to Heaven, and the Church is His Body.

LB: Interesting – this was an argument my mum had many years ago with her catholic friends who stated only Catholics get to heaven. Mum rightly told them how ludicrous that statement was. My husband has no intention of becoming catholic and nor should he. He came to mass with me and our children when they were growing up. I think he will be fine without needing to be catholic.

As I wrote earlier, most Catholics do not even realize how they have adopted Modernist ideas themselves. The poison is so bad that this spouse can write, “My husband has no intention of becoming Catholic and nor should he.” Or, as CT argued, “Where does Jesus ever say we shouldn’t address other people, regardless of religious identity, as not a brother?” You see, the rotten fruits of the Modernist Gospel have been instilled within these two, and yet both think they are representing the Catholic position. Relativism, Indifferentism, and False Tolerance are not Christian ideals; they are Modernist. Just as much as saying Jesus is only like God and not truly God is not Catholic, it is Arian. Or saying the Eucharist is only symbolic is not Catholic, it is Protestant.

And these types of attitudes towards non Catholics is not charitable. It is the opposite of charity. If we truly care about others, we will proclaim to them the saving truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Christian Religion. We will pray for their conversion to the Catholic Church, since we know that outside of her, there is no salvation. And so we ought to be praying for Francis, and for any and all clergy and laity that have compromised with Modernism.

Critics are a dime a dozen, and that includes me. Anyone can sit around and throw out opinions, but if we are not praying and fasting for Francis, then we are just a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


The First and Greatest Duty is Prayer


The Better Things