New Age Deception is Satanism Repackaged

Satan says God's Word is not reliable (Genesis 3:3). The New Age Movement says The Bible is not God's Word, Sacred Tradition is not binding, and the Church is not God's agent.

Satan says, “You will not die” (Genesis 3:4). The New Age Movement says we will live forever through reincarnation, there is no Judgment Day, and do what makes you happy.

Satan says, “You will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). The New Age Movement says we are all divine, we are all gods and goddesses, and we determine right and wrong.


Satan, also known as Lucifer, or "Light-Bearer," was the most beautiful and intelligent Angel of all before he was cast out of Heaven for trying to take God's place. He is still trying to take God's place by adopting his most seductive mask in the form of the "New Age" Movement.

This fact is actually acknowledged by leading "New Age" practitioners.

Many New Age religions envision the coming of a last and greatest "Christ" (an 'Avatar'), named the Lord Maitreya, who will fulfill all of the prophecies of all religions for a savior, teacher, and prophet, and who will solve every environmental, social, religious, racial, and economic problem in the world, thereby leading us from the shortsighted, unfulfilled "age of Pisces" into the enlightened and divine "age of Aquarius." Amazingly, most 'major' New Age religions fully recognize that Lord Maitreya will be completely under the control of a being called Lucifer.

However, New Agers simply do not recognize that Lucifer is in reality Satan. Alice A. Bailey of the Theosophical Society describes Lucifer as "... the oversoul of the great collective consciousness of mankind." David Spangler, in his book Reflections on the Christ, says that "Lucifer works with each one of us, to bring us to wholeness, as we move into the New Age," and that "It is necessary to take a Luciferian Initiation if one is to enter the New Age alive."

This could not be a better description of the activities of the Antichrist.


1. There are only two ultimate sources of power: Supernatural power of God, preternatural power of Satan.

2. The "New Age" movement involves phenomenon which are, quite obviously, not of God.

3. Therefore, by simple elimination, all "New Age" phenomena must be Satanic.


There can be no doubt whatever that the Devil is the motivating force behind the "New Age" movement. This seductive philosophy has lured millions of professed followers of Christ into its sticky trap, from which there seems to be no escape. Once a person has tasted total freedom and has gained 'permission' to construct his own reality at will, the idea of organized religion and the concept of any type of moral or ethical limitation is repugnant.

In short, the "New Age" movement is nothing more or less than Satanism repackaged in a much more attractive and seductive format.


“You too shall be as God; you surely shall not die.” Satan speaking to Eve in Genesis 3:4-5.

The true essence of the "New Age" movement can be summarized quite simply:


Jay Rosen, media critic and Professor of Journalism at New York University, summed up the essential essence of the "New Age" when he said that, "The New Age is just another name by which the hollowness of modernity has been known. People want instant and total change, and New Age scams from psychics to astrologers flourish by letting people believe they can change themselves without effort or discipline. They tell people what they want to hear and give them vague advice they're already predisposed to follow."

According to Harvard theologian Harvey Cox, "The New Age Movement is a kind of yuppie religious expression in which you can have everything without any discomfort or pain or inconvenience."

In summary, if everyone is God, moral standards of any kind have been totally eliminated, and nothing at all can be called 'wrong.' Therefore, the person who immerses him/herself in the New Age movement is making an attempt at eradicating a deep-seated guilt.

Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


The Holy Spirit is God


God is Triune