Little Halos: Connecting the Pro Life Dots on Infant Loss

Photo credit goes to Becket and Stina, who have a beautiful set of original art at their Etsy Shop, and we have supported them for the past couple of years. Here we see a little boy being guided by the hand to Heaven, by Our Lord Jesus Christ. I like to imagine that this is our little boy, Luke Jonathan.

Anyone who knows our story, knows that when we were married, we desired a large family. God had different plans for us, to an extent. It took us 12 years for our first pregnancy, our baby girl Anne. But she was called to her eternal home early. About a year and a half later, we received news regarding little Luke. But alas, he was also called to his eternal home early.

These events were trials and tests for us, but served to only sharpen our faith, and strengthen our pro life stance. We had marched in many Walks For Life, prayed Rosaries in front of abortion clinics, attended pro life galas. We have been, and always will be, a voice for the voiceless. The real voiceless, meaning unborn babies in the womb.

Our motto years ago was “Birthdays For All,” and “Everyone Deserves a First Birthday.” Creative slogans for the pro life movement. After our two miscarriages, we formed an outreach called Little Halos Ministry, dedicated on the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist. The purpose for Little Halos was to promote infant loss awareness across the board. Infant loss is infant loss, whether it was due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or even abortion. Our message provided consistency to the situation. If you have children in Heaven due to miscarriage or stillbirth, entrust yourself to Divine Providence. If you have children in Heaven due to abortion, entrust yourself to Divine Mercy. Our children are rooting for us to be united with them one day, when God deems it is our time to check out of here.

When people try to argue “it is not really a baby, just a clump of cells,” they are indirectly telling every mother who experienced the pain of infant loss that they did not really lose a baby. “Just a clump of cells.” This is the illogic of the pro-abortion apologist. They will celebrate with you when you announce you’re pregnant. Unless you want to murder that baby, in which case they will support your decision and tell you the baby is really only “a clump of cells.”

The reality is our babies are not just clumps of cells. They are our children. Many women suffer from the trauma of opting for an abortion. However, they may not realize that their babies are safe in Heaven surrounded by Angels. With Jesus, there is no end in sight to mercy and forgiveness, insofar as we approach Him with a humble and contrite heart. If we repent of our sins, God will forgive us.

I encourage anyone who has gone through the “dark night” of miscarriage or stillbirth to unite their voices to the pro life movement. Let the world know that your babies have worth and purpose. It is not “science” to say a baby is only a baby if the mother wants to keep the baby. Life truly begins at the moment of conception.

I once came across this post and it hit the point perfectly:

Went for an x-ray today and was asked, “Any chance you might be pregnant?” I said no, then I asked why it would matter. She informed me it was because the x-ray could terminate the child. Ironic, isn’t it? It’s a baby for an x-ray, but the minute the mother doesn’t want it, it’s a clump.

Always remember, the first person to recognize Jesus was an unborn child (Luke 1:41).

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.

Being interviewed on EWTN's Life on the Rock in 2008 during the West Coast Walk For Life

Being interviewed on EWTN's Life on the Rock in 2008 during the West Coast Walk For Life

Praying with dozens of pro lifers in front of one of the largest abortion clinics in the San Fernando Valley in 2017 on the 100 year anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, as the regional campaign captain for America Needs Fatima

Praying with dozens of pro lifers in front of one of the largest abortion clinics in the San Fernando Valley in 2017 on the 100 year anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, as the regional campaign captain for America Needs Fatima

Our car decals commemorating our two little halos, Anne Marie and Luke Jonathan.

Our car decals commemorating our two little halos, Anne Marie and Luke Jonathan.

Promoting Little Halos Ministry, an infant loss pro-life outreach, in 2018 on the Feast of St. John the Baptist.

Promoting Little Halos Ministry, an infant loss pro-life outreach, in 2018 on the Feast of St. John the Baptist.

At the 47th Annual Pregnancy Counseling Center Gala in 2019, where we met the producers of the film Unplanned, and sat at the table with the PCC National Director and Vice President.

At the 47th Annual Pregnancy Counseling Center Gala in 2019, where we met the producers of the film Unplanned, and sat at the table with the PCC National Director and Vice President.


The Divine Will is Our Refuge


Great Secrets to Peace: Humility, Faith, & Trustful Surrender