Lessons from Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady appeared to St. Juan Diego in 1531 as he was on his way walking to Holy Mass. At this time historically, the Aztec culture prevalent in Mexico routinely practiced child sacrifice to “appease the gods.” Fourteen years prior to this, an estimated five million souls had abandoned the Catholic Church due to the rebellion of Martin Luther in Germany. However, after the events of 1531 involving Our Lady and St. Juan Diego, nine million souls were converted to Catholicism. Here are five beautiful takeaways from this important event in Christian history.

Conversion. Within a matter of years, Aztecs were repenting of their sins and converting to Christianity in droves. Mexico effectively became a Christian country. We can then ask Our Lady’s intercession in the conversion of non-Christians, that they too would repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord and King.

Protection of the Unborn. The practice of child sacrifice was routine at the time in the Aztec culture. They believed their “gods” required this of them. Of course, we know this was the influence of Satan. The truth revealed by Christianity is that Our Lord offered Himself on the cross for the Redemption of the world, and to offer us the possibility of salvation. Our Lady was pregnant in her apparitions, meaning she appeared in imitation of the Annunciation and the Visitation. The Christ Child was within her. We see that child sacrifice still occurs today, under the banner of “legality” and “freedom of choice” and “bodily autonomy.” Babies are now routinely murdered through the infanticide of abortion. We can ask Our Lady’s intercession in ending the abortion holocaust, just as her presence back then brought an eventual end to the child sacrifices of the Aztecs.

Christian Miracles. Many so-called skeptics and atheists today assert that the supernatural does not exist. They believe miracles that defy nature are impossible, and they pridefully claim, “If God exists, then let Him prove it with a miracle.” Well, Our Lady instructed St. Juan Diego to gather roses within his tilma and present it to his doubting Bishop. When he arrived and unveiled the tilma, a miraculous image of Our Lady as she was appearing to him was ingrained on the tilma itself. To this day, scientists can not make sense of the miraculous image on the tilma because it has been determined that it was not made by human hands. As well, upon closer examination, we also know that St. Juan Diego is pictured within the eyes of Our Lady on the tilma. We can then ask for her intercession for atheists and unbelievers, that their eyes would be opened to the Truth.

Mother of the Church. Our Lady said these consoling words to St. Juan Diego: “Let nothing discouage you, nothing depress you. Let nothing alter your heart or your countenance. Am I not your mother who am here with you? Are you not under the protection of my mantle?” Such tender words. It reminds me of the Ave Maris Stella prayer: “Show thyself a Mother, may the Word Divine, born for us there Infant, hear our prayers through thine.” She truly loves us and cares for us, and prays for all of us to imitate Christ and grow in holiness. And she is with us through every storm, in every trial. She never leaves our side. May we turn to her in moments of darkness or despair, and ask her intercession. May she also pray for the Bishops of the Church, especially any who are struggling with doubts in faith. Just as St. John the Apostle was entrusted to her at the Cross by Our Lord, may we entrust the Church and all her Shepherds to her care as well.

Queen of Heaven. Our Lady came as she is depicted in the Apocalypse chapter 12. She appeared in her royal dignity, and under her feet was the serpent that is crushed by her authority as Queen. In Genesis 3, we were told that she would be at enmity with the serpent, and that she would crush his head. As Our Lady of Guadalupe, she reconfirmed by her appearance that she truly is the Queen of Heaven, and she is the one who crushes the head of the devil. He prowls the world seeking souls to devour, and he especially hates Christians. We can ask her intercession to help us reject the empty promises of the serpent. He fears her name. Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother, and also Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Juan Diego, pray for us.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


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