Has Russia Been Consecrated As Our Lady Requested?

This article will be a nuts and bolts type of article. Let's get right to the topic at hand.

On July 13th, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima said to the children, "I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the communion of reparation on the first Saturday's. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world."

On June 13th, 1929, Our Lady visited Sr. Lucia and said, "This is the moment when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. He promises to save it by that means. So many are the souls which the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me that I come to ask for reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.”

Our Lord eventually visited Sr. Lucia directly and said, "They have not chosen to heed my request. As the King of France, they will regret it and then will do it, but it will be too late. Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church, the Holy Father will have much to suffer." When Lucia asked why it had to be a public consecration specifically of Russia, Jesus told her, "Because I want My whole Church to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that it may extend its homage later on, and put the devotion to this Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart."

So we see three conditions that must be met.

1. It must be initiated by the Pope.

2. It must be in union with all the bishops of the world.

3. It must mention Russia specifically by name as the object of being consecrated to the Immaculate Heart.

Since this time, there have been numerous attempts at this from the Popes, but none which have fulfilled these three conditions together. We know it will happen, as Our Lady said, and when it does, it will usher in a period of peace. However, when it happens, it will be "too late," meaning Russia's errors would have already spread by that point, causing much suffering and persecution. Still, when it is accomplished, an era of peace will be granted. In the end, Our Lady assured us that her Immaculate Heart would triumph.

In 1942, Pope Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart, but he did not mention Russia specifically, and it was not in union with the Bishops. As a response to this, Heaven offered a temporal blessing, but not the era of peace that was promised. Three years later, World War II came to an end.

In 1952, in Apostolic Letter, Pius XII consecrated Russia by name, but again, not in union with the Bishops of the world. Again, temporal blessings came as a result. The threat looming at the time was World War III, but it never happened. As well, Joseph Stalin died exactly one year later. However, the promised era of peace did not come. We did not see the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Religion.

In 1984, Pope John Paul II consecrated the world to Mary, in union with all the Bishops. However, he did not mention Russia. Rather, he said, "In a special way we entrust and consecrate to you those individuals and nations which particularly need to be entrusted and consecrated." Again, not what Our Lady requested. Seven years later, the Berlin Wall came down, signaling an end to Communism. But the era of peace did not come, nor did we see the conversion of Russia.

On March 25th of this year, Pope Francis has said he will consecrate Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He has yet to indicate if he will request the Bishops to do it in union with him. If he does not, then as before, we will see temporal blessings for sure. However, we all await the era of peace and the full conversion of Russia. So we join in prayer for this end, for Francis to request the Bishops to pray this in union with him.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, Glory of the Church


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