Climate of Chaos

The Supreme Pontiff of Indifferentism strikes again. Francis of Rome wrote a letter in November to the participants of the COP26 United Nations climate summit. Considering that this conference is comprised of Modernists, Freemasons, and Marxists, it makes sense that the Vicar of Chaos would want to chime in.

He wrote, “Time is running out; this occasion must not be wasted, lest we have to face God’s judgment for our failure to be faithful stewards of the world he has entrusted to our care.” Well, there you have it. Francis threatens eternal damnation for those who do not agree with the agenda of secular leaders that are rolling out the red carpet for the grand entrance of the Antichrist.

The global cooling crisis of the 1970s mutated into the global warming crisis of the 1990s which then warped into the global climate change crisis of the past decade. Apparently, the “professionals” could not make up their mind on what the research was showing them, so now whenever the climate seems to shift, we can just blame it on the evil boogeyman known as the Human Race.

Climate alarmists of all strides have succeeded in shaming, blaming, and terrifying people into believing that air conditioners and gas vehicles will cause planet Earth to implode. Of course, this does not prevent the alarmists from holding luxurious conferences, replete with air conditioners, and by means of many gas vehicles. And maskless, obviously, at least until the cameras start rolling.

The climate crisis agenda comes with strings attached to it. Namely, the national call to adopt a Green New Deal, which claims to be concerned with the climate but conveniently throws in a whole host of socialist programs. And on the global scale, the push for the Great Reset, described as “Marxism for the 21st century,” which calls for a one world government aligned under the principles of atheistic socialism. A key component of this is the tie in to depopulation on a massive scale, as well as the rise of transhumanism. Because… “humans are evil.”

Senator John Kerry admitted that climate alarmism was the long term means of attaining the goal of the Great Reset. The short term goal? You guessed it… the Covid pandemic. Make no mistake, the people behind all this that are pulling the strings are godless rulers who do not care about “Mother Earth” or the ice caps. Their motivation falls under the pillars of Power and Profit. Meanwhile, as we drift closer to this New World Order, combining a one world government with a one world religion, we only hasten the arrival of the Antichrist.

Francis has bought into this entire agenda hook, line, and sinker. Not only has he bought into it, but he has been a glowing cheerleader for it. So much so that he threatens people with eternal damnation for failing to do their part. “Lest we have to face God’s judgment for our failure.”

This has been the unfortunate trend with Modern Rome under Francis’ helm. Under his watch, contributing to so-called “man made climate change” is a mortal sin, worthy of eternal judgment. On par with opposition to the experimental Covid drug program as failing to honor the Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor. And being “rigid” and stuck in the past with ancient liturgical rites. And of course, this whopper: that proselytizing is a “sin against ecumenism.” Meanwhile, public politicians who call themselves “Catholic” can publicly endorse the choice to murder babies in the womb, and they are encouraged to receive Holy Communion. At this rate, one wonders if Greta Thunberg and Klaus Schwab will be canonized Saints one day.

It goes without saying that whenever someone of note in the world of politics or medicine or science or education disagrees with the COP26 United Nations agenda, they are shadowbanned, threatened with loss of their careers, charged with spreading hateful misinformation, and are discarded as lunatic conspiracy theorists.

This lines up with Francis’ “Nine Commandments for the Coming Global Economy,” as reported by the Modernist Jesuit publication America Magazine. Among them were for “the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness, people’s vulnerability, for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation.”

With the Pachamama incident of late 2019 (which was followed almost immediately by the first news of the Covid spread), we continue to see a disoriented worship of “Mother Earth,” combined with new “ecological sins” and what Francis terms as the need for an “ecological conversion.” The whole shift of Modern Rome has catapulted to temporal cries of doom and gloom. Meanwhile, gone are the days of Popes reminding the world of the necessity to convert to Catholicism for salvation, and exhorting Christians to always be focused on the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, or Hell.

Christians also do need reminders of a balanced view towards an orthodox environmental stewardship. However, what global elitists want to give us, in conjunction with Modern Rome, is absolute guaranteed impending global disaster caused by the “selfishness of Man.” Or perhaps they would not say “Man” since biological gender apparently no longer exists today, magically.

Do we observe shifts in the climate? Of course. And what godless leaders fail to realize is that God is in fact real, and He has revealed in Sacred Scripture that we would see such things happen as we gravitated closer to the Antichrist. We would see divine warnings in nature. And even Mary has spoken of this in her apparitions. They also fail to take into account the role that the Sun and the oceans play in climate shifts as they have done throughout history. And also the actual “man made” culprit known as geoengineering. There are even patents on equipment to control major portions of the climate. In reality, humanity’s role is very minimal. But do not hold your breath in waiting for them to admit this, much less Francis.

The doomsday clock is indeed ticking. And it is not being controlled by people. It is ultimately in the hands of Almighty God. And fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So do not place your fear into the hands of godless global elitists or even Modern Rome. Fear God alone, and the coming day of Judgment. One unconfessed mortal sin against faith or morals will send a soul to Hell for eternity. Repent and turn to Jesus Christ. He is our only hope of salvation, not COP26 or the United Nations or the Great Reset. And pray for the conversion of Francis, for his eyes to be opened to the truth.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


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