Heaven In Your Soul

In a 1929 letter addressed to a Reverend Mother, Luisa Piccarreta writes, “But do you want to know what my wish is? That the Divine Fiat may take your will away from you and give you Its own, so as to form in you Its life, Its kingdom, and Its Heaven in your soul. Oh, how happy you will be! Living no longer from a human will, but from the Divine Will. It will give you perennial peace, which is so necessary in order to form the daylight in our soul.”

“Disturbance, fears, little mistrusts, are the night of the soul and make her see all things opposite to what they are. The night hides the warmth of the Divine Sun from us, and maybe even Jesus Himself. On the other hand, peace is the smile of the soul, and the spring which makes the little ground of our soul bloom; it removes from us the veil of disturbance and reveals to us the One Who loves us so much. But if you want peace, you must live from the Divine Will. It alone gives us true peace and encloses the Celestial Fatherland in our heart.”

St. Annibale was Luisa’s spiritual director. He was a very holy priest from the latter part of the 19th century to the early 20th century, hailed by many of his contemporaries to be a Saint while he was still alive. Fr. Annibale was proudly impacted by Luisa’s spirituality, which he firmly believed was being taught to her directly by Our Lord. Here are some of his comments on the Three Fiats of God, as they are called:

“The first Fiat extracted the whole Universe from nothing. The second Fiat, pronounced by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, hailed by the Angel, determined the Incarnation of the Divine Word in Her most pure Womb and the subsequent Redemption of mankind.”

“The third Fiat was left to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ in the great Prayer of the Our Father, with those divine words: “Fiat Voluntas Tua Sicut in Coelo et in terra” – Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

“This supplication of the third Fiat which has resounded for twenty centuries on the lips of the children of the Holy Church, in the Royal Priesthood of the great Sacrifice of Holy Mass – this supplication, in spite of all the human oppositions and iniquities, must have its great fulfillment. It cannot remain unanswered. All Saints, all Doctors, all Preachers, all the Scholars of Ascetic Theology, have sung the praises of the fulfillment of the Will of God as the highest perfection. They have defined the three degrees of uniformity with the Divine Volition, of conformity to It, and of transformation – that is, of the annihilation of our will for the Divine.”

I read a quote today from Fr. Thomas Celso that stuck out to me. It is pertinent to events as they are unfolding before our eyes today, and the response that Jesus desires us to have: “They are planning destruction. Let them. We are planning for the Kingdom. Get ready for the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven. That’s our job. That’s our office. That’s our mission of missions. It doesn’t matter what’s happening out there: what matters is what’s happening within.”

What is happening within our souls? God wishes to instill peace within us, to give us a taste of the glory of Heaven. Once we receive this Gift of all gifts, can anything around us ever drag us back down to the temporal? We will continue to hear about darkness, evil, sin, apostasy. We warn the lukewarm and unbelieving to turn from such things and turn to God. But may we never allow such things to take more than a moment or breath or heartbeat away from us. When God forms His Fiat within us, we can not help but to diffuse His light and peace all around us.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


The Bond of Perfection


Forming the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat