The Synod of Sin: Modernism Reigns in Rome

Everyone is now well aware that Francis of Rome initiated “a Synod on Synodality,” known as “Synod 2021-2023: For a Synodal Church,” a two year process that has been dubbed a “Vatican Council III” of sorts by some commentators. The purpose of this Synod, he has said, is to help create not “another Church, but to create a different Church.”

Francis was quoting Yves Congar verbatim, a Modernist theologian who was forbidden from teaching or writing under Pope Pius XII in the 1950’s due to his heretical views on the nature of the Church and Revelation. Congar would go on to be restored under John XXIII and given a very prominent role at the Second Vatican Council, where he shaped much of the documents, including the Constitutions concerning the Church and Revelation.

The Synod includes feedback from non clergy, including non-Catholics and also fallen away Catholics. Modernist writer Austen Ivereigh stated, “Discernment and decision-making are the business of the whole body, not just of the few entrusted with governance.” I responded to him: “Nope. Decision making is specifically for those entrusted with governance. The Church isn’t a democracy. She has a hierarchy. The rest of us are called to strive to live as saints, not to pretend we are shepherds.”

Francis' Synod has links on its website to a Women's Ordination group. Previously, it also had a link to a group which promotes LGBT marriage within the Church. Yep, this is where the path of “dialogue with the world” has brought us. Rather than calling the world to repentance and conversion, Modernist Rome has conformed to the relativistic dogmas of the world.

The Vatican has encouraged the Bishops to listen to the laity and their concerns regarding doctrine and practice. It has also encouraged the involvement of lukewarm and fallen away Catholics, specifically ones that had not been to church in a long time, so those individuals could also share their thoughts on the Church's direction. Does anyone else see red flags here?

And now, Rome is asking for Protestants and the Orthodox to take part as well. In other words, heretics and schismatics. "The dialogue between Christians of different confessions has a special place in the synodal journey." There is no such thing as “Christians of different confessions.”

This is the speech of progressivism. This is Modernism, through and through. Indifferentism again being encouraged by Rome under the banner of "dialogue" and "ecumenism." The only enemies in Francis' scope are the Catholics who love the Latin Mass. If this doesn't open your eyes to join the Traditionalist Resistance, not much else will.

Pray for Francis and for Modernist Rome. Seeds of apostasy being planted all over the field, from the very top. Just as Our Lady predicted many times. Just as Pope after Pope warned us. Just as Our Lord and Sacred Scripture prophecied. This Synod of Sin is another trap to lead souls astray and to spread the ideals of Modernism. Hasten the Kingdom, and work for the restoration of Holy Mother Church.


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