Private Interpretation & Sola Scriptura: Heresies From Hell (Copy)

In my experience talking with anti-Catholics, meaning people who have a certain hatred for Catholicism, they often want to debate a particular topic, but once you offer a reasoned response, they quickly want to jump to another. Next thing you know, you have responded to 20 questions, but they are avoiding the points you raise.

We must exercise charity and patience, coupled with prayer, in these interactions. The goal is never to win a debate. The goal is to plant seeds for truth of the Kingdom of Christ. I always try to stick to the root of the issue, which inevitably boils down to Authority. Otherwise, they will continue to jump around to different topics, never quite being satisfied because once you answer one, they respond with, “Aha! But here’s another!”

We have to get down to the roots. This challenges the very foundations they are subconsciously standing on, which is Private Interpretation (“I have the authority to interpret God’s truths for myself and draw dogmatic conclusions”) and Sola Scriptura (“The Bible is the sole rule of faith for doctrines on faith and morals, as determined by myself as my own private magisterium”).

I was taken to task on social media. I will pray for this individual, for his repentance and conversion. After a certain point, we can not keep going around in circles. I have given him the truth, and I pray for him. His comments will be proceeded by RA, and mine by JM.

RA: catholicism is claiming its authority to abolish the sabbath against the law of God (Daniel 7:25) how could they possibly be the “true church”?

JM: That is exactly right. There is no explicit command in Scripture regarding the Sabbath command being transferred to the Lord’s Day. It is explicitly taught via Sacred Tradition, the Word of God along with Sacred Scripture. And it is commanded by the authority of the Church that Jesus established. This is why Christians celebrate on Sunday. Christians reject the Bible Alone doctrine since it was the invention of heretics influenced by humanism. And only heretics still maintain Saturday as fulfilling the commandment.

RA: “sacred tradition”? Everytime Yahusha mentions “tradition” in the gospel its in a negative connotation (against the pharisees) saying to beware of it and folllow the commandments of His Father instead. “sacred scripture”? The Word of God is already sacred. The bible warns us not to take away or add to it. “christians reject bible alone doctrine”? have you read 2 Timothy 3:16-17? ALL Scripture is given by the Spirit of God and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for reproof, for correction, for INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTOUESNESS: That the man of YAH may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

JM: Nope. He says that about man made traditions. Traditions of men. That is the reason we reject Sola Scriptura and Private Interpretation. They are inventions of heretics influenced by humanism. And it gave rise to Freemasonry. St. Paul says to stand firm and hold to the traditions whether word of mouth or letter. He says when they heard him preach orally, they accepted it as the Word of God. The Word of God is Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. That is the belief of Christians. That belief was denied by heretics who came over 1500 years after Jesus and His Apostles. Do not take away or add anything to the Bible, get rid of your man made Sola Scriptura and Private Interpretation. 2 Tim 3:16-17 is the foundational passage for Sacred Scripture being the breath of God. Heretics deny this by twisting and distorting it to their destruction. 1 Thess 2:13 also teaches Paul’s preaching is the Word of God. Christians reject the demonic Sola Scriptura doctrine when men invented to suit their own desires and create their own “churches.” Christians accept Sola Verbum Dei. The Word of God Alone, as St. Paul teaches in 1 Thess 2:13, 2 Tim 3:16, and 2 Thess 2:15. You can’t pick and choose which passages fit your narrative. You have to accept all of God’s Word. And the mere fact you quote 2 Tim 3 means you infallibly know it to be divine revelation, but the truth is you don’t infallibly know. God didn’t reveal to you a divine table of contents. It took Christian Bishops of the 4th century to determine that with the help of the Holy Spirit. And every time you quote Scripture, you admit you agree with their decision. Hope you repent and come home to the Christian Religion.

RA: The latin name for the pope is Vicarius Fili Dei which means “substitute for Son of God” Are you sure Yahusha started a church that made a man who people call the Holy Father and even tho Yahusha clearly says call no man Father except our Heavenly Father? (Matthew 23:9)

JM: Yes, one of his customary titles is Vicar of Christ.Yes, Jesus founded the Christian Religion. Hopefully this helps you better understand Matthew 23:9. But the only way God’s Holy Word can really sprout in the soul is when one repents and recants their heresies. You knowingly or unknowingly accept heresies which started in the 16th century by a monk who was influenced with Humanism and who married an ex nun. [I then sent him a link to my article regarding Matthew 23:9, which you can find in my Archives]. The heresy of Private Interpretation is straight from hell. It taught the authority of human reason as being its own self Magisterium and taking greater precedence than God’s Church which teaches with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as Acts 15 demonstrates, and as the early martyr Church believed. You are not the Pope, you are not the Vicar of Christ. And by quoting Matthew 23, you again demonstrate that you implicitly agree that the Bishops of the 4th century got it right. I pray you can repent of these heresies brother. The Body of Christ will welcome you with open arms and you can do much good for the Kingdom of Christ. And yes, it was Private Interpretation, which was the product of secular Humanism, and which Luther ran with to pursue his own agendas, was also the very basis and foundation upon which Freemasonry found a home to grow. It also allowed for relativism to foster which in turn became the battle cry for Modernism. You can thank Luther for all that. The church is the pillar and foundation of truth, not you or Luther or any other individual person. You are blinded to the fact that you embraced a heresy from the beginning when you assumed God’s Holy Written Word was meant for you to infallibly decide its sacred doctrines concerning faith and morals. Repent and come home.

RA: private interpretation? so im not allowed to let the holy spirit guide me into all truth? (John 16:13)

JM: No. The Holy Spirit leads Christians to holiness, Galatians 5. John 16:13 was spoken to the Apostles. Are all Apostles? No. John 16 belongs to them, to the authority of the Church, which is why we see in Acts 15 that the Holy Spirit worked with them in defining doctrine and laying down disciplines. That wasn’t you or me or the Corinthians or the Galatians. That was the Apostles and their successors. You are not allowed to pretend you have equal authority with the Apostles. The Holy Spirit is given to Christians to grow in holiness. He is given to Apostles to teach and instruct.

RA: How many practicing catholics in the world? 1.33 billion baptized catholics says google. is this accurate? Is this really the “FEW people on the narrow and troublesome” that Messiah mentions in Matthew 7:13-14?

JM: 1.33 billion doesn’t sound right as many are Modernists. But the few mentioned in Matthew 7 are those who die in a state of grace. There will no doubt be many Bishops and laity in Hell, along with the heretics who invented teachings in the 16th century.

RA: Acts 5:32 says the holy spirit is given to those who obey God. do i have to be an apostle? or just simply obey the commandments of God?

JM: No, the Holy Spirit is given to those who obey God (which heretics don’t) so that those who obey God can grow in holiness, Galatians 5. He is given to Apostles and their successors for a specific reason, to teach and instruct. And you are not St. Peter or St. Paul. That designation belonged to Matthias, Timothy, Titus, and all those who legitimately succeeded in the office of Bishop. Not you or me. And again, by quoting Acts 5, you assume the Christian Bishops of the 4th century got it right. Interesting how they got it right in Acts 15 and in the 4th century, fulfilling John 16:13, but somehow they didnt get it right at Trent after Luther decided to make up teachings influenced by Humanism and marry an ex nun. And now today, we have Freemasonry and Modernism. Thanks to Luther and his heresies. Repent, brother. Come home to the Christian faith.

RA: so you celebrate christmas even though Jeremiah 10:3-5 explicitly states against observing that ancient heathen custom and tradition?

JM: Yes, I love Christmas. No, I do not love ancient heathen customs. The birth of Our Savior is not an ancient heathen custom. But I’m sure the Modernists would like to think it is. Are you Jehovah Witness? Or Protestant? Seventh Day Adventist? Which heretical group do you belong to?

RA: I dont label myself as anything but a follower of Messiah. The Bible doesnt say I need any labels or denominations. I am a natural Israelite who has repented to the God of my forefathers.

JM: But you aren’t following the Messiah. He doesn’t have 40,000 bodies. He has one Body. And His one Body has one Doctrine, one truth. Not 40,000 best guesses or ideas from people who claim to follow Him. Followers of the Messiah belong to His Church and believe the full Word of God, not man made traditions of the 16th century.

RA: i do follow the messiah by living my life as he walked in it as an example for us to embody. Thats all He asks for. He never said anything about. “you MUST be a part of this group called catholicism where they also worship my earthly mother”

JM: Jesus said He is the Vine, and apart from Him we can do nothing. We must belong to the Christian Religion. There is no salvation outside the Church, because she is the Body of Christ. You can keep trying. But you need to repent of your heresies. Your heresies won’t save you. Only Christ can save you. And He has one Body. Outside of Christ and His Church, there is no salvation.

RA: 1 Timothy 2:5 – For there is one YAH, and one mediator between YAHUAH and men, the man MASHIACH YAHUSHA; I am saved by Yahusha directly, whos name means the salvation of Yahuah (Acts 4:12). His Father.

JM: 1 Tim 2, one of the strongest passages showing the power and purpose of intercessory prayer. Since Christ bridges us to God, and we are in Christ as branches to a vine, we are able to intercede for another to God. Christians are saved by Christ. The full Christ. You can’t decapitate the Head from the Body. Jesus has a Body. The Church mediates because she is the Body. She is the Bride, the two become one flesh. What God brings together, no man can separate. You are either saved by Christ, or you try to save yourself. We suggest you go to Christ.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We love you. Save souls. Amen.


Sola Scriptura: Christian Doctrine, or Man Made Heresy? A Catholic vs. Protestant Debate on the Bible and the Early Church


A Catholic Critique of Sola Scriptura (Copy)