Vatican II Much

Circa 1985, my mother penned this poem. It describes clearly how she felt about the Second Vatican Council, a historic event that she personally lived through. She was 22 years old in 1969 when the changes began to roll out, and she was never a fan. She witnessed the deterioration of the Church firsthand, and she’s never been shy about vocalizing her unfavorable opinion! The poem has become somewhat legendary within our family. Recently, I asked her permission to publish it online.

So, without further ado…

Vatican II Much
by Judith Wargo

'Twas the year ‘62
And all through the Church,
The bishops were saying
We must go in search

Of a way to reform,
Revolutionize if you will,
This traditional liturgy
It's too “run of the mill."

So they all got together
With experts, of course,
And ever so gradually
Put their ideas in force.

They turned 'round the altars,
Tore down the rails,
Christ on the Cross,
But where are His Nails?

Gone are the trappings,
Statues, stained glass,
Why it's more like a hall,
Stark, empty and crass.

The pews stripped of kneelers,
"Mature" Christians stand
To approach and receive
Communion in hand.

From high place of honor
The tabernacle dethroned,
Too much a distraction,
Can’t believe it's condoned.

Vernacular change
A primary concern,
Involve the laity,
Come on! Take your turn.

You've got to participate
In some ministry or other,
Workshops, discussions,
"Let's all hug our brother."

Downplay the sacrifice,
The meal is highlighted,
Protestants assured us
That they were delighted.

Liturgical dancing,
Do the people have frowns?
Too bad if they do,
Send in the clowns!

Away with restrictions
On birth control pills,
Tried sterilization?
It will cure all your ills!

Divorce and remarriage
Our priests should proclaim
Is the sin of adultery,
Christ called it by name.

The liberals charge forward,
"Keep an open mind!"
As they leave Benediction
And devotions behind.

A cry of the priesthood
For madam and mister,
Who's that at the altar?
Egad! It's my sister!

Now all of these changes
Are warranted in view
Of the fact that they flow
From good ol' Vatican Il.

If you feel like I do,
You're outraged and vexed,
And probably wondering
What the hell's next?

Thank you for listening,
This poem now is through,
Oh, I musn't forget,


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