The Final Battle

By Janina Leone and Emily Gossard

Our Lady of Fatima told Sr. Lucia that the final battle will be over marriage and the family, and this is exactly what we see occurring today. The blurring of genders and the erasing of women is a diabolical plot to enslave humanity and invert the design of God. The devil hates women since he is defeated by one: Our Lady, and her son Jesus Christ. We see this in Genesis 3:15 when God says to Satan, “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers.” This is a war we see being waged. Today, Satan is assailing a hostile attack on gender, attempting to destroy all distinction between feminine and masculine, and to blur them together to a point where they are indistinguishable. This is not, and has never been, the purpose of the Creator who made them male and female. Nobody is born in the wrong body. Men cannot be women, and women cannot be men. When a dog is neutered, he is still a he. No amount of surgery can change who you are, and no lie can change the truth. Gender Ideology is Marxism in disguise and seeks to abolish the family unit. For white people specifically, since white people have been labeled the oppressors, the only way they will allow you to be deemed “diverse” is if you are not straight, and take on another gender identity or sexual identity. The diversity narrative is actually a plan to eradicate diversity period.

This will erase men, women, and finally, humanity. Men and women were made differently, distinct from one another in their natures, their qualities, their characters, and their missions by God himself. We have no right to change what God established. The communists push gender ideology, abortion, and have told women that their husbands are the oppressors and that a career will free and empower them, making them enslaved to the machine and the employer as opposed to being the helpmate of the husband as God designed it. Now, men and women live together outside of wedlock, and stall to the marriage altar. Divorce is the norm. Men can marry men. Women can marry women. Abortion is packaged as “health care” and gender is interchangeable. All of this is an attack on the family.

Satan cannot create, only God has the power to create. Satan can only take what God made and called good, and twist it into evil by inverting it. Where God has made male and female, Satan wants to eradicate gender. Where God made marriage and the family, Satan wants divorce and abortion. The most rebellious thing we can do in 2022 is to be a Christian, and live like one. To live for Christ and His Church, and live a life worthy to which we have been called. In a society where truth has been outlawed, may our lives reflect the way the truth and the life: Jesus Christ.


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