The Tridentine Mass in Sacred Scripture (Copy)

A lot of websites show the Biblical basis for the Prayers of the Novus Ordo Mass, but it is difficult to find a corresponding list for the Tridentine Mass. So I have done my best to compile such a list.

First part:

Part 1: Mass of the Catechumens

First Subdivision: Preparation from the Asperges to the Collect

1. Sprinkling of Holy Water (Asperges) [High Mass] (Num 5:17, Ex 30:17-21, Jn 4:10-13)

2. Sign of the Cross (Mt 28:19)

3. The Psalm Judica me (Psalm 42)

4. Public Confession (Confiteor) (Lev 5:5, Neh 1:5-9, Jms 5:16, Psalm 41:4)

5. Priest at the Altar (Lv 9:8-21, Heb 13:10)

6. The Introit (e.g. verses from a Psalm)

7. The Kyrie Eleison ("Lord Have Mercy") (Matt 15:22; 17:15; 20:30-31; cf. Ps 123:3)

8. The Gloria ("The Church's greatest hymn of praise") (Luke 2:14; cf. Rev 4:11; 5:11-14, Ps 148:13, Ps 2:7; John 1:14, John 1:29)

Second Subdivision: Instruction from the Collect to the Creed

1. The Collect (prayer)

2. The Epistle (e.g. reading from the Bible)

3. The Gradual and Alleluia (e.g. verses from a Psalm)

4. The Gospel (A reading from one of the four Gospels)

5. The Sermon (1 Tim 4:11)

6. The Nicene Creed Profession of Faith (Mark 9:24; John 11:27; John 14:1; 1 John 5:10)

Part 2: Mass of the Faithful

Third Subdivision: Offertory from the Offering to the Preface

1. The Offering of Bread and Wine (Beginning of the Offertory) (Gen 14:18-20, Ps 66:20, Ps 68:35)

2. The Incensing of the Offerings and of the Faithful [High Mass] (Ps 141:2, Rev 5:8, Rev 8:3-4, Mal 1:11)

3. Washing of the Hands (priest) (Lavabo - Psalm 25:6-12)

4. Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity (Mt 3:16, Mt 28:19, Acts 2:33, Acts 10:38)

5. The Orate Fratres and Secret (silent prayer) with the Amen ratifying the Offertory (Heb 12:28, Ps 19:14)

Fourth Subdivision: Consecration from the Preface to the Lord's Prayer

1. The Preface to the Canon & Sanctus ("Heavenly Hymn") (Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8, Hab 3:3; Ps 19:1; 57:5; 1 Cor 15:40-41, Ps 118:26; Mark 11:9; Matt 21:9; Luke 19:38; John 12:13, Mark 11:10; Matt 21:9; Luke 19:38)

2. The Canon or Rule of Consecration (one of the most ancient parts of the Mass) (2 Chron 30:27)

3. Intercession (Reading of the Diptychs of the Living) (1 Tim 2:1-4)

4. Prayers Preparatory to the Consecration (Heb 4:16)

5. The Transubstantiation and Major Elevation (1 Cor 11:23-26, Matt 26:26)

6. Oblation of the Victim [Christ] to God (Heb 9:13-27, 1 Jn 2:1-2, Rom 3:25)

7. Intercession (Reading of the Diptychs of the Dead) (2 Macc 12:43-46, 2 Tim 1:16-18)

8. End of the Canon and Minor Elevation, With the Amen Ratifying the Prayers of the Canon (Ps 41:13; 72:19; 89:52; Num 5:22; Neh 8:6)

Fifth Subdivision: Communion from the Lord's Prayer to the Ablutions

1. The Lord's Prayer ("Pater Noster") & Libera Nos (Matt 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4; Mark 14:36; Gal 4:6)

2. Breaking of the Host (Rev 13:8)

3. The Agnus Dei ("Lamb of God") (Jn 1:29)

4. Prayers Preparatory to the Communion (1 Cor 11:29)

5. Receiving of the Body and Blood of our Lord (Jn 6:54-56)

Sixth Subdivision:

Thanksgiving from the Communion to the End

1. Prayers During the Ablutions (1 Jn 1:9, Jms 4:8-10, Ps 51)

2. The Communion Antiphon and Postcommunion (Rm 8:32, Ps 23:1)

3. The Ite Missa Est and Blessing Lord." (Mk 16:15, Ps 115:1; 1 Cor 10:31; 2 Thess 1:12, Exod 4:18; Deut 10:11-13; Judg 18:6; 1 Sam 1:17; Mark 5:34; Lk 7:50; 8:48)

4. The Last Gospel (Prologue to St. John's Gospel) (Jn 1:1-18)

5. Prayers After Mass (led by the priest) [Low Mass] ['Leonine Prayers'] (Lk 1:28, Lk 1:43, Rev 12:7-12, Dan 12:21)


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